Saturday, September 16, 2006


Well not much to report lately so that is why I haven't blogged in a while! Mason is going to school everyday now - instead of staying home on our days off - except the weekends of course! He has learned a lot in the past 3 weeks that he has been going there - but what I like the most is that he is getting church lessons as well. He knows Genesis 1:1 already! They say the pledge everyday too == he is the helper and holds the flag.

Not much going on with me -- just gaining weight! I was in Dallas last week for work -- but we were in meetings until 9 p.m. every night - so I didn't get a chance to get a way so that is why I didn't call you Jim and Angie! I got a new car too! Ford Freestyle -- it is really nice and gets excellent gas mileage -- I filled up last Saturday and I haven't even reached a half of a tank yet! Amazing!! Can't think of much else to say except -- finally a day off I have worked 50 hours this week and I am so tired and my back is killing me! Hope you all had a great Saturday and have a better Sunday -- it is supposed to rain tomorrow and turn cooler -- I hope and pray it does!

Oh Christmas at Pier 1 will be totally set my October 10th if anyone is ready to buy decorations they are beginning shipments next week!!

Hope you all have a great weekend and next week!


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