Monday, April 30, 2007

Vacation and Olivia turns 2...

We had a really nice time in Florida!!! We (Scott, Mason, and I) went to Lion Country Safari near Carrie's house and it was really cool -- the beginning was a drive-thru Safari, all of the animals are wandering free and you must keep your windows up and you can't open the doors. Then once you have driven through the Safari you go into the park. They had a few rides, some small animals, and gift shops. The birds on Scott are Lorey birds - you pay $1.50 and get a cup of nectar and they flew on your hand and they drink the nectar -- well they really liked Scott's shirt. The one bird on his shirt unbuttoned it and the one on his head was trying to eat his hair.

Jaxon has gotten just a little chunky!!! We had to take him to the doctor while we were there because he started running fever and just didn't feel good - he had an ear infection and a cold virus -- but he weighed in at a whopping 18lbs and 10 ozs!!!
Olivia's birthday was a success and these are the cakes that Carrie made!

Scott and I also went to South Beach Miami to get him a tattoo at Miami Ink over his tattoo that he already had from a long time ago -- well I took pictures inside of Miami Ink -- if you watch the show you will appreciate them! He did not get the tattoo because they wanted $800 for a small tattoo and it wasn't by anyone on the show at night is when they said we could come and not have to apply online -- well the T.V. guys aren't there then -- why would I pay $800 from so Joe Blow to tattoo him??? Anyway it was neat to see though!

This a shot going into South Beach from the Car window!

My new camera does a pretty good Job!!

These are just pictures of the kids -- Olivia's birthday outfits and Mason and Jaxon are wearing matching Tommy Hilfiger outfits I bought them at the outlet mall. Oh and Chunky Butt has on a twelve month outfit at 5 months!! Never would have thought he would catch up with how big Mason was -- only weighing 5 lbs 15 ozs at birth (3 weeks early)-- Mason was 7 lbs 15 ozs. (2 weeks early)!!! hahaha Hope you all enjoy the pictures!!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Pics of my Babies....

If I do say so myself -- these are some good looking boys!!! Hope you all have a Happy Easter!!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's Been Awhile...........

Since I have posted! A few things have happened lately - good and bad. I took Jaxon to the ENT yesterday to see about his ears - come to find out that he has never had an ear infection that when the pediatricians looked into his ears they saw white stuff - looked to be an ear infection, but actually is was his seborrhea in is ear canal. He scooped out this hunk of skin and then took this vacuum and sucked all this skin out. The fix is to swab his ears with baby oil to lubricate them and they will not sluff off and clog up his ears and make him irritable. Mason had his Easter party and egg hunt last Friday, Granny and I went, I took tons of pictures with him and his friends and hunting of the eggs. Then when Momma got off work Mason helped her plant flowers, took more pictures. It was over a hundred pictures with my new camera. The damn computer locked up when I was uploading them from my card and erased the whole card!!! I was on the verge of crying I was so upset. Mason is almost finished with Preschool 3 and has learned so much. He will begin Preschool 4 in August and I can't believe how grown up he already is. He is nearly 4 feet tall and everyone thinks he is so much older than he really is and all I can think of is he is still my BIG baby. I took the boys Saturday and had there Easter pictures made - so when I get them back I will send out Easter cards and pictures. I had to wait until everyone was well to have their pictures made. We go this Friday and have Spring pictures made at Norton Art Gallery -- same place we go every year and have our family pictures made - this time it is with a professional photographer and just the boys. I want to take family pictures on the beach at Carrie's - I think that will be pretty. We leave on the 17th and we are really excited. It has been 2 years since we went on a family vacation - usually Scott stays home and Mason and I would go to Carrie's - then the Boys and I went after Christmas. Olivia has really gotten big and is such a Ham! Well better run! I got a letter from TJ Maxx companies and my personal information has been compromised so I have to go call the credit bureau and put a fraud alert on my credit file and call the DMV and tell them too!! Lovely!!

Talk you all soon

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