Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Well I just realized that I forgot to post yesterday oops! Not much happened -- Mason wouldn't take the picture with Olivia and Olivia was crying so we didn't get that shot. Today was a normal work day not to much to report. I found out today that I may be getting a good raise so I am excited about that, but I will not count my chickens yet! Mason is having a Red, White, and Blue party tomorrow at school. I signed up for a fruit tray so I have been cutting up fruit. Then I was putting in on the tray and went to wrap it -- out of saran wrap and didn't have enough aluminum foil to cover the corners of the tray! That is only par for the course. After I signed up for the fruit tray I noticed that some parents were only bringing packages of hot dogs and then another one was bringing buns -- why do I always sign up for the hard stuff. I normally back individual cakes for the parties, but it is to dang hot to bake right now. So at least I know it is good fruit that Mason will be eating. I am so funny about that - eating other peoples food that they bring and it is not prewrapped because I don't know how clean they are.

Yesterday for the picture with Olivia, Carrie and I had bought similar outfits for the kids to wear for the picture. Well Mason's was a 4T and it was too small and he has never worn it. After the pictures I had to go and buy him new tennis shoes because his school/play shoes were getting to be too small -- I bought size 10 1/2!! My 2 year old is too dang big!

Angie if you need any dress clothes for Brayden I have plenty that Mason can't wear -- But Jim will say that he looks like a girl probably. hahaha

Well gotta run
Love ya Beth

Monday, June 27, 2005


Well the day started off with Mason not wanting to go to school and crying! Then I got to work and it was a typical day with lots of BS -- dang girls at work you couldn't hang them with a new rope. But anyway Scott worked from 9 to 9 today so he had a long day. After I got off work and picked up Mason we went over to Mom's house. Carrie, Guy, Olivia, Mason, and I went out to eat dinner then did a little shopping. Not much to talk about today because it was just work! Tomorrow I am taking Mason to Carrie, Guy, and Olivia's photo shoot for pictures with Olivia. I think they are going to be great, but expensive. The photographer is awesome -- she only does children and family pictures. So hopefully the kids will do good -- she said they do not have to smile she wants them to look natural. Well going to get ready for bed. Love Beth

Sunday, June 26, 2005

More Vacation Pictures:


We went swimming at moms neighbors house today. They are out of town and they let us use the pool when they are gone. We had a great time and Mason swam mostly with Scott. Later when it cools down we are going to put up his Bounce A Round -- Inflatable jumping thing. The pics are from our vacation. One is duplicated, but I can't figure out how to take it off -- oops! So more news later. Love Beth

Saturday, June 25, 2005

We are HOME.....

I really enjoyed the vacation, but missed my bed!
This is a picture from the Audobon Zoo in New Orleans. Mason kinda liked the zoo, but wasn't overly excited like I thought he would be. We had a good time on our vacation - didn't do much, but we weren't at work! The highlight of the trip for Mason was when Carrie (Poopy) took us to a pizza place that the kids make there own pizza and he had a blast. We stayed at the pizza place for 2 hours. He made the pizza, colored on the chalk board, and we made a dog, turtle, and a ball out of pizza dough "play dough" and then they baked it for him. $3.99 for 2 hours of entertainment - who would have thought! We had a good time a Toledo Bend to - but the pool was closed so we didn't get to swim and they was going to be the highlight of my time there. Mason played with his fishing pool and played in the dirt - he had a great time. When we went to Carrie's house he was a little (a lot) wild! Showing out tooo much for me. We had a good visit and he couldn't kiss and hold LeeeA (Olivia) enough. She is probably glad we are gone because now it is quiet again. While we were at the pizza place Carrie had to leave to go for her hair appointment and we kept Olivia. She went with us to the mall and slept the whole time. Scott and I decided AGAIN that one kid was enough for us because we couldn't walk side by side without crashing the two strollers into each other. Also, it was too many bags and too much crap to haul around with two kids, my purse, camera and whatever we bought.. Way to much trouble and also Mason is to spoiled now. Hahaha! Well I will post more pictures tomorrow after I download them into the computer. Love Beth

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Well today I showed Scott's Aunt and Cousins around town, looking for a place to rent. Mindie (Scott's Cousins Wife) is starting Medical School here next month and they do not know there way around Shreveport so I was the tour guide. From 11:00 A.M. until 5:30 P.M. driving around town -- it was hot. I forgot how stressful it can be to find a place to live, especially when you don't know where anything is and whether the area is safe or not. Then we went over to Mom's house to see what she brought Mason back from Disney World. He got 3 T-shirts (Mickey Mouse, Nemo, and Barney), a Barney Canteen - drink thing, and a Mickey Mouse nutcracker ornament for his Christmas tree. He was excited about all of it. Well this may be this last post until we get back from Vacation, unless Carrie gets her internet hooked up while we are there. Since they just moved they do not have internet. Hope you all have a great and safe week and we will catch up next weekend if not before. Love to all, Beth

Friday, June 17, 2005

TGIF: Last Day of Work and School for 9 days!

Well Mason and I are officially on vacation (Scott will be at 9:00 p.m.)! Today got off to a slow start, but then it was busy right before it was time for me to leave. At 10 minutes to 5:00 the dang power went out and it was pitch black dark. Just where I wanted to be in the dark with a bunch of people walking around the grocery store and us guarding Narcotics.... hmmm. Something wrong with this picture! Luckily I moved stores and we weren't in the middle of the ghetto like I was before, so I felt a little safer. If any of you saw on the national news about the robber getting the holy crap beat out of him in the Beauty School -- that was a block away from my old store --GHETTO!!!! Mason was bad today talking back to his teacher and being a 2 year old too! Mom will be back from Orlando tomorrow and Mason can't wait to see what she bought him --- to much probably! He says Mom Maw see Mickey. So hopefully she got him a Mickey Mouse -- I am sure she did. Well someone stinks and its not me -- so I have to go do Diaper Duty -- Why can't they poop on the potty, they pee but refuse to poop on it. Love Beth

Thursday, June 16, 2005

It's Raining -- Amen!!!

Well today was a slow day at work -- just one more day and we are on VACATION!!! Scott dropped the dog of to get groomed this morning and was going to pick her up before he went to work at 3:00, but she was not ready yet. So I had to pick her up after I picked up Mason. Well of course it was pouring down rain! Not that I am complaining because we so needed it. But carrying a 36 pound child, dog, and umbrella to the car was an adventure. Mason was a good boy at school today again. He is into putting his own shoes on now. When I picked him up he had relaced his shoes -- it looked like a drunk adult had done it (too funny). Also, he put his socks on all by himself - upside down. He is doing well potty training, except at home he will not go. But this morning he told Scott he needed to go potty and went! Yeah. I guess because at School they all go together in a line and he doesn't have them here as well is why he doesn't want to go?! Who knows! Well more news tomorrow! Love Beth

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Wednesday June 15, 2005

Well just 2 more days of work until vacation!!! I was off yesterday and went shopping all day - had to buy new clothes in a smaller size. I am loving weight watchers and doing pretty good losing weight. Scott is just working and working. Mason is wild and crazy as usual. He just moved to a new class at school, because he was bigger than the kids in his class and he was beating them and getting put in Time Out everyday. He wasn't really beating them up he was just being the big brother so his teach said. If a child took a toy from another child he would hit them and take it back to the other child. hahaha Bully. He tells on himself everyday - Mason got Time Out Mommy! When he talks to Momma or anyone he tells them too! Mom said he wears his Time Out like a Badge of Honor. He also has a new best friend - the little girl across the street. Alden is 6, but he loves to play with her. She comes over and swings, blows bubbles, and plays in the sprinkler with him. We got a new mattress on Sunday and we left the old one on the floor until after we mowed the yard to put it out for the trash. Well Mason called it the jump bed, he doesn't get to jump on the bed so that was great to him. He jumped on that stupid mattress all day and was sweating he jump so much. Then he had Alden come over and jump too! They played ring around the rosie and everything. Kids what joy they get out jumping on a stupid mattress. Why do we buy them toys? Sunday we are going to Toledo Bend for a couple of days with Scott's whole family for a yearly fishing trip. I bought Mason a fishing pole and tackle box yesterday -- I can't wait to see him fish. Then on Tuesday we are headed to the Big Easy -- Carrie's house. We hope to go to the Aquarium and Zoo and whatever else we can think of. I am taking my Camcorder and Camera, I will put pictures on when we get back -- that is if I can figure out how to do so. More news later. Love Beth

Monday, June 06, 2005

Weekend fun

Our weekend started out kind of crazy, I had to go to the eye doctor because I had these flashes of light in my right eye. Well long story short - I have a Retinal Scesis (my retina is detaching from my eye) but not bad enough yet to fix it. Mason played outside all weekend. We went to the Belk Family Potato Digging and he had a ball, I don't know which was dirty the potatoes or Mason. He has really gotten to be quite a character these days. He like to ask: Whatcha doin' mommy? or What's that?, but Scott's favorite is Otay. We are going to the pet store today when I pick him up from school and buy some SHISH (fish), for Mom Maw's (Martha) new pond. He talks constantly about Poopy (Carrie), Unc Guy (Guy), and Lia or Baby (Olivia). He wanted to go to Poopy's house yesterday, but I tried to explain to him that Carrie lived a long way from our house and he would have to wait 2 weeks until we go again. We I hope that you all have a great week and I will update soon.

Love Beth

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