Thursday, June 16, 2005

It's Raining -- Amen!!!

Well today was a slow day at work -- just one more day and we are on VACATION!!! Scott dropped the dog of to get groomed this morning and was going to pick her up before he went to work at 3:00, but she was not ready yet. So I had to pick her up after I picked up Mason. Well of course it was pouring down rain! Not that I am complaining because we so needed it. But carrying a 36 pound child, dog, and umbrella to the car was an adventure. Mason was a good boy at school today again. He is into putting his own shoes on now. When I picked him up he had relaced his shoes -- it looked like a drunk adult had done it (too funny). Also, he put his socks on all by himself - upside down. He is doing well potty training, except at home he will not go. But this morning he told Scott he needed to go potty and went! Yeah. I guess because at School they all go together in a line and he doesn't have them here as well is why he doesn't want to go?! Who knows! Well more news tomorrow! Love Beth

I've always said that to become a Mom we must grow a big tummy. Well we should also grow a second set of arms too! I feel your pain sweetie!

Wish we could've had some of that rain :)

Have a fun vacation - Angie
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