Thursday, August 11, 2005

Child Protection....

Not a lot going on here just waiting for Child Protection to call for my statement about the daycare workers abusing the children. I don't know if I told you all about that. Amongst being tied to the chair for timeout, they were being yanked around by their arms. I was getting on to Mason on Monday night and told him that he was going to go to timeout if he didn't straighten up and he said no Time out mommy no pull arm. I told him Mommy is not going to pull your arm who pulled your arm? He said pull arm right here. I then asked him did it happen today and he said yes. Then I asked him which teacher and he told me. So I then got on the computer and wrote a email to the director. Since he was not going to be there on Tuesday or Wednesday -- I told her what happened and said if she didn't take care of it I will call the state, child protection, and my lawyer. She called me back and said she was going to call Child Protection herself. She then called them and called me back and they are supposed to call me for a statement. If you can't work with children why are you there!!!!!!! What can a 2 year old possible due that you have to tie them to chairs or yank them around by their arms?!! And one of the girls that was tying them down has a child in the daycare!!! What would she do if she walked in and I had her child tied to a chair?? Or does she do this at home with hers? Anyway not much else going on just working. I went to the doctor Tuesday because my neck was hurting really bad from the wreck and he said I had muscle spasms -- he gave me some medicine and it is feeling better now. I also went for the estimate to get my car fixed as well. So hopefully I can get it fixed in the next few weeks. I would like to wash it but there is a gap in the back door and I would hate for it to leak all inside of my car. So I will just drive my NASTY car for now. Well better go to bed. Love ya


Beth...I'm so sorry to hear that has happened to your baby and I'm so glad you are taking care of it. Too many people just sit by and let it happen. Hang in there and hug that baby for us!

Love - Angie
I don't even know what to say. Do the people that hire these people bear no responsibility in the matter? Do they not know that these are the times in a young persons life that can scar them forever? I hope everything gets taken care of, and in a timely manner, by the state.

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