Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sunday Ski Trip...

Well we went to Daddy's house in Monroe again and went skiing. Mason skied really good today, he went for about 3 minutes. Scott was videotaping it and the counter said 3 minutes. Scott tubed and I wakeboarded. We had a really good time. Mason and Kaylin swam a bunch as well. I took pictures about 25 pictures in the 3 minutes that he skied so I have posted just a few of them. We watched the video tonight after we got home and Mason kept wanting to watch it over and over of himself -- he kept saying Mason a big boy he did a good job! Crazy child.
Love ya Beth

P.S. For some reason it loaded the last picture first. The first picture is at the end when he fell and was through skiing. He was really happy when he was done.

Way to go Mason! Who could blame him for wanting to watch himself over and over. He;s cute and talented!! :)
Wow, I love that. I don't know how many times your dad, and mine, dragged us around a lake somewhere. We never had the ski's that were tied together though. I think they enjoyed seeing us do the splits, then fall on our face. Your little guy is awesome, I can't wait to see him, and you guys.

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