Friday, September 16, 2005


I am about to Boycott as well if you people do not start posting..................

My cousin Chris made it home yesterday from Iraq yeah -- safely on U.S. soil..

Nothing much else happening in the Remillard, Belk, or Restel households.

Well I have nothing else to talk about since you all obviously do not as well!


Damn I got spammed!!!
Damn, you got spammed!!!

I'm boycotting too. Boycotting the fact that I'm too tired to do this. I'll put up something later tonight.

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Hey Girl! I want to tell you that I really enjoy your posts. They keep me up with what is going on with all of you. I'll do better about leaving comments. Tell everyone HI! from me and that I am thinking of all of you. Love, Kay
You tell em Beth! You did get some it does work, every now and then :)
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