Thursday, September 22, 2005

Evacuee's everywhere I turn there are Evacuee's...

Thought my title was a little funny! Well Hurricane Katrina evacuee's are still here (Carrie, Guy, and Olivia) - now we Rita evacuee's are on their way!!!! My Aunt Cindy, Uncle John (her husband), Cousin Wayne, his son Cade, Cousin Shane, his wife Jamie, Uncle David, Aunt Pam, Cousin Chris, his wife Sarah, and their baby Jordan are all due here sometime tonight or tomorrow. It's gonna be cramped, but as long as there are safe it doesn't matter. We are going to have one big family reunion!!! But my stupid Granny and her husband are not coming up because she would rather die in a hurricane than be stuck in a car for 15 hours. My daddy said she has a suicide wish!!! Most ignorant thing I have heard so far. My Uncle David and Aunt Pam are pulling there motor home -- they could have rode in it to have a bathroom and lay down -- but nooo they would rather die. Anyway off that subject. I am excited to have everyone here and get to visit even if it is for a hurricane. It will be all of there first time to physically see Olivia.

Scott and I went to dinner tonight for our Anniversary tomorrow -- his assistant is going on vacation so we celebrated a day early. Carrie kept Mason for us and they had a good time. Well better get some rest == may get a phone call in the middle of the night needing directions. Love ya Beth

I swear the hurricanes are just following Carrie! Enjoy you family time. I'm sure it'll be crazy, but it sound fitting to have a Hurricane party :)
By the way, I keep forgetting to say anything about it...but we got Olivia's birth announcment and it was so cute! So much better than the "typical" annoucment! Please tell her thank you and that we loved it!
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