Thursday, October 27, 2005

Another day........

Well yesterday was just another day! Tuesday Scott came home from work weak, muscles and bones ached, and fever! I told him to keep his Flu symptom butt away from us. Then he stayed home on Wednesday - Mason went to school. Last night Mason ate pancakes for a snack (2), then a couple of hours later when we were eating supper he came and said he wanted some too! So I was having a hamburger and tater tots and Scott was eating fish things and tater tots. First Mason started eating pickles then he wanted tater tots and fish. So he ate that then for a special together time and treat we made cupcakes. Well I had cake mix, but no icing so we sent Scott to the grocery store for icing. When Mason and I began to make the batter -- there were weevils (Sp?) freaking bugs in the cake mix. So into the trash that went. Called Scott's cell phone -- ringing in the bedroom. So then I went and got the phone book out and called the grocery store -- he came to the phone and brought home another cake mix and icing! We made the cupcakes and we ate one! Mason ate 1/2 of his and said he was full (you think). When we were going to bed I read Mason's bedtime story (Biscuit books are his favorite right now) then we were cuddling to go to sleep (Mason). ** Graphic Material Ahead haha** He started holding his stomach and crying that his tummy hurt - he ate to much. So I tried to give him some pepto bismol -- screaming, spitting, and crying -- that was no! So he lays back down. Then he gets off our bed stands up crying that his tummy hurts --- and then all hell broke loose... He erupted!!!! My brilliant husband tries to catch it in his hands (hahaha) As most of you know -- if they do it once -- more is coming behind that! So he erupts again (grown man size) Scott still trying to catch it! So off Mason and I go to get a bath -- he's crying I don't want to take a bath -- I give him a quick bath (but didn't wash his hair it was dry) I sat him in my lap to dry him off and hold him and I get this whiff of vomit from his head -- so I said we have to wash your hair I guess some got in it -- no I am clean mommy! So Scott dangles his head over the bathtub while I wash it and all the while you would have thought we were beating him senseless! Screaming could have been heard down the block! Back to bed we go -- Wait a little while and we repeat the process once more! Then after we change and all that again. We went to lay down again and he starts crying and stuff so I cradle hold him, stand up and rock him until he falls asleep -- Snoring like a grown man would. Put him in his bed and about 3 am he wakes up Scott throwing up again. So anyway I hope that my child doesn't have a virus and give it to another kid, but we think he just ate to much!! I put extra clothes in his bag today just in case and hopefully I will not get the call from the Daycare -- Mrs. Remillard you child just puked all over the classroom can you come and get him! Sorry for the throwing up story, but all of us are parents and know the feeling!

Poor baby! How does he feel today? Is Scott feeling better? Sounds like you guys have your hand full...literally :) And yes...we've been there and done that. Nat was about 2" away from the tile and it went all over the carpet! She'd had a strawberry smoothie. Let me tell ya...that DOESN'T come out of the carpet! She was soooo close to doing on the close :) That would've been a much easier clean up!

Hope everyone gets better soon and I hope you don't get the crud too.
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