Wednesday, October 19, 2005

More work and a pic of Olivia at the pumpkin patch...

Well today I was flying solo - Scott had to go to Dallas for a meeting and I was working alone today. I got the top supports around the building put up and all the walls! Mom is coming over in the morning and helping me do the roof. I made all the gable pieces today so that when she gets here we can get started on putting it up. Then I tore down the wooden fence next to my neighbors house -- it was eaten up termites as well. I sprayed it all down so that they would leave there and come in my house! I have to spray the outside of my house and underneath once all the wood is gone. Mason played and played outside today with me! I wish I could have stopped working to go and get the camera, but by the time I would have went inside he would have stopped doing what he was doing! He had on a pair of safety glasses and had the level and was checking everything out. Then I was measuring something and he wanted to measure too = so Scott gave him a little tape measure before he left - so Mason was measuring everything with his glasses on -- all he needed was a hard hat and a tool belt.

I talked to Carrie last night and she said that they can't get internet service until December due to the hurricane's. They are on the list to get it though -- so hopefully they can get it before then! Carrie and Momma took Olivia to the pumpkin patch before they left to have her picture made like Mason's. So here it is .....

She is soooo cute -- little Ragedy Ann!!!

That is the sweetest picture! She acually looks just like Raggedy Anne!!!
That is such a sweet sweet face.
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