Sunday, October 23, 2005

Need a Vacation from the vacation....

Well the shed is complete!!! All except the doors and it was complicated and we are going to get Scott's dad to help with that! I didn't know that a 10x14 gable roof shed could take so freaking long to put together! We finished it on Friday. Saturday a friend from Harlingen came to town and we spent the day with them. We had a nice time visiting and the kids playing together. Today, Scott cleaned the house and I was outside putting that expanding foam stuff around the base of the building and up in the roof areas at the seams. Then I put all the stuff in the shed! After that I raked up the yard to make sure all the nails are up! Probably didn't get them all but hopefully I did. Then I showered and went shopping with momma, I bought some new jeans, shirt, and jacket. I picked out what I wanted for my birthday from my Granny so Momma bought it for her. A new purse and a shirt and sweater set! Yeah! Then we went to eat Chinese and came home. I then began cleaning out our closets --- 3 trash bags later I was finished (Scott helped bag it up and tried to relinquish some shirts -- but I prevailed on all of them except for 1 -- but I might get it if he doesn't wear it in the next few weeks)!!!! Mason's closet was interesting -- some clothes he never wore -- he got so tall all of the sudden. I bought him a bunch of stuff at The Children's Place last year and I took all the tags off of it to wash. He has more clothes now than we do! When we were bagging up the clothes Scott said didn't you just buy this? I said yes but now they are too big -- would you like me to grow back into them or buy new stuff?? He said I like you what ever way you are!! Sure you do hahahaha!! Well I have rambled (literally) long enough -- Goodnight


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Congrats on getting the shed done and congrats on getting to go down in clothing sizes...that's a BIG yeah!!

I'm just starting to clean out our closets too. Major accomplishments.

Have a great week back at work!
Sounds like you do the same things I do when I'm on vacation! Love Ya!
You are a hard worker. That sounds like David and my projects. Have a great Halloween with Mason. Halloween is cancelled throughout the Parish here.

Oh well
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