Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Part of the Shed up and Pics of My Boo Boo --- Caution Graphic Content Parental Guidance Requested hahaha

Well these are pics of my nasty bruised leg - per Angie's request!!! Also this is the progress we have made so far on the shed -- it has been quite a chore for two people who have never built anything before (well I have built small stuff with someone that knows what they are doing), but Scott has never done anything like this!! So I am the contractor and he is the help -- so he says!! This is the second trailer full of crap we had hauled off -- the rubble from the old shed and garage! I forgot to take a picture of the first trailer and wished I had one of the garage laid out over my backyard! Tomorrow not much will get accomplished because Scott was told on Saturday that they are having a managers meeting in Dallas tomorrow. So he will leave around noon and come home on Thursday -- great during your vacation huh! Well I hope you all enjoy our pics of the new shed and my pain ahhaha!! Just a few cuts today -- that metal for the building is sharp -- it says to wear gloves, but the screws and nuts for the darn thing are microscopic -- how are you supposed to wear gloves and do that??? Well gotta run Scott just picked up Mason from School!! Love ya Beth

I guess I'm going to have to call you "Destructo", too. The shed is looking good, but the leg looks like it really hurts. Tell CW and crew I said HI! And ya'll have fun this weekend! Love Ya...
Ouch! Dang Beth. Looks like you should be wearing pads & a helmet for this. Looks like you guys are doing great work together. I know from personal experiance that working w/ your spouse can be quite hairy sometimes :)

Have fun this weekend!
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