Thursday, October 27, 2005


This was toooooo funny not to put it in my blog!!! I emailed it to a few of you, but I felt it was just crazy enough to be at the beginning of my blog today. I know you all enjoy a big Ass Jack-o-lantern every now and again! hahahaha Well not much going on today just work. Mason was better today and now Scott has the flu symptoms again and is going to the doctor tomorrow! I am going to make him get prescriptions of Tamiflu for all of us if is truly the flu. My Grandmother (Daddy's mom) is going to have surgery tomorrow for a stress fracture in her back - they are going to do a procedure were they drill a whole in the bone and put cement in it. Well not much else to tell == hope you all enjoyed the Big Ass Jack-o-lantern!!!

Love Beth

Esshh! That's borderline funny/nasty :) Glad to hear Mason's feeling better. Guess he didn't puke on anyone ;)~

And for the question you you mean the links to other people's blogs on the right side of the blog?
big ole A__ I'm telling you.

At least this person is making his A__ useful.

Have a good day and I'll try to update my blog today.
PawPaw got some new jeans Annd boots.
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