Monday, October 17, 2005


Well we demolished the shed and garage on Saturday! Mom got some of the basketball players and the coaches to come over on Saturday to help tear it down. Scott and I tore the shed part down and one wall of the garage before the guys got here. Then when they got here one of the guys cut one of the support beams and the Coach stood up on the neighbors break wall and pushed the garage down.. He is huge -- we called him Ox! My Uncle Jimmy works for the city and got us a trailer so we got most of the wood in the trailer -- he is going to send it back this weekend and we will put the rest of the wood in it. Sunday we cleaned up all the glass and junk that was on the ground and cleaned up the back ditch area of all the vines and stuff. Then we went and bought the shed and some spray to spray the ground for termites, because we found some live termites in the shed. Today we started building the frame for the floor and putting it up on the pillars. After we were all done with that I was measuring for the plywood to see how much we needed to buy and discovered that the dimensions in the book were 4 1/2 inches off so we had to add on to the frame to cover the shortage -- Thanks alot ARROW building company!! Also, on Saturday when we were tearing down the building Scott stepped on a nail -- so I have been giving him antibiotics as a precaution and he is up to date on his Tetanus shot so we didn't have to worry about that. Then as we (us and the ball players) were pushing a section of the roof over to beat the nails out to take it out in sections sense we discovered 5 layers of shingles under the roof paper -- it broke as we were pushing it over and it started falling right towards me so I turned to get away and when I did my thigh area got scraped and stuck under the roof. Well the guys quickly lifted it up so I could get my leg out - luckily I saw it coming and moved sideways or it would have taken out my knee.. I have a pretty nast bruise about 5 inches long and 3 inches across -- So ugly that Mason thought I had dirt on me and told me I needed to take a bath!! hahaha He stayed at Scott's parents house for the weekend and baked cookies, went to the Fall Fest at BPCC and had a blast. They had a huge slide and jump thing there! He had a great time at Ann and Gary's house and we had a fun time at home working as well. We are pretty tired, but the works not done and we can't stop now!!! The area where the shed was we are going to build a deck - we were going to hire someone to do that, but since we built the base for the shed and put it on pillars that is all you do for a deck - just use deck boards on top instead of plywood-- we are learning alot doing this ourselves. We just have had to pick Scott's dad's brain a few times though!!! But for rookies in the construction business I think we are doing a great job. We have some many bruises and scratches on us that I told Scott it looks like we have been in a car wreck!! I will post pictures after everything is completed for you all to see our handy work hahaha!!! Well better run and go visit with Mason -- he went to school today and I didn't see him all weekend..

Well and Update on Carrie, Guy, and Olivia before I go.. They left this afternoon for Dallas and the movers came yesterday and will deliver their stuff on Thursday. They are going to finish buying the things they need this week and start working I think next week. Well that is all I know for now.

Love ya Beth

Sounds like you guys are doing great! We'd love to see the pictures!! ..and the injuries :)
Becarefula nd maybe invest in some hardhats :)
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