Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Not a whole going on these past few days. Just work and playing!!! Today we were off and ran a few errands. Mason kept asking for a biolin (violin) - his version of a guitar. So when we were at Target we were looking for one. Well I found an electric guitar like toy. Well he saw it and wanted it, but the funny part about it is that the one in front was hot pink. The ones behind it were all hot pink. So it wanted it so my son has a hot pink guitar. Mom said people are going to think he is a fairy. So I told her that if anyone has ever had a child or a 2 year old for that matter will understand. So Mason is the new proud owner of a hot pink electric guitar with flowers on it!!!! He loves it and doesn't know anything about it being hot pink and girly!!!! Carrie, Guy, Olivia, and Mom went to New Orleans to get there stuff that is salvageable. Mom is coming home tomorrow with the trailer and stuff. Carrie, Guy, and Olivia are staying until Friday to help clean up the stores to get them ready to open. I hope all goes okay for them tomorrow and the rest of the week. Today I went and got the goodies for Mason's Halloween Party at the end of the month. Then we picked up a few goodies for him as well. I can't wait until Halloween to see Mason in his spider man costume and trick or treat. The past few years he didn't want to go trick or treat so hopefully this year he will enjoy it! Kellin and I are going to take Mason and Alden together this year.

Sunday I was over at Mom's house visiting with Carrie and Mom and Scott called with Mason crying hysterically in the background and then Mason got on the phone crying. Scott said that he was jumping on his bed and he turned around to tell him to stop and as he was telling him that he fell off and hurt his finger. So I talked to him and then we got off the phone. Then about 5 minutes later he called back and Mason was still screaming. He wanted me to come home and see about him. So I asked Mom if she would go with me -- I wasn't sure if he broke it or what. So then Carrie came as well so she could see about her "Baby" -- So we drove over to the house and it was cut on the tip and the skin pulled off, but not broken. Scott said it really isn't as bad as he is making it out to be, but he wanted you to see it. So Mom put Neosporin on it and it was all better. It has prevented him a little from sucking his thumb, because that is the finger that he hurt. We thought that it might break him from it, but today he sucked it for a few minutes to take his nap. So I guess it will not break him of it, maybe later on he will stop.

Well gotta run,

Love ya Beth

Dang spammers!

Please send/post us pictures of him in his costume. We'd love to see it.

Kiss that boo-boo for me :)
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