Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Christmas pics and interview

Santa pics with the kids were cute - Momma bought them matching pajamas! The people in the mall thought that Olivia was a boy though! They said oh you and big brother match! Carrie was a little ticked, but we thought it was funny afterwards. As you can tell they love each other very much! Carrie said that Olivia will not play with the boys at school - she starts screaming when they crawl up to her, but not Mason she thinks he is the greatest! Mason says that Olivia is his favorite Baby! He loves to make her laugh and they just play and play together.

On a different note:

Carrie got me an interview with Pier 1 for an MIT (Manager in Training) Position - then after I complete that I become a store manager! Well I had my first interview today and it went great because it was with Carrie's friend that I know. She is going to talk to the her boss tomorrow to set up the interview with him! Please pray that I have the strength to not bomb it! It has been 8 1/2 years since I have applied for a new job and I was really nervous today, but overcame it! She gave me some notes to go over to interview with Robert. It will be a great opportunity for me and my family if I get this -- a $12,000 a year pay increase -- oh yeah I said $12,000! So please everyone pray for me! I was really apprehensive a year ago when Carrie said I should do and didn't -- scared of change! I think now that it will be the best thing for me and I really want it now! Both the Shreveport and Bossier stores are open for a Manager - the Bossier Store Manager got fired and the Shreveport Manager wants to move back home - New Orleans so therefore I have a shot at either store. My boss is upset because he doesn't want to lose me, but he understands that I have to move on to bigger and brighter adventures in my life and don't want to waist my degree any longer! I worked to Hard and tooooo long to get it and really want to say that I am using it and that I didn't waste all that money for nothing. Well I will close for now and hope you all had a great week so far and all of you better get to Blogging!!! I want to know what is happening in the Berryman households!!!!

Oh yeah I almost forgot we took Mason to Disney on Ice 100 years of Magic it was great - we went last year to a different one and it was good, but this one was just amazing. Mason had a great time and said, "Thank you for taking me to see Mickey will have to do it again sometime!" He is so funny - his little sayings lately are just hilarious!

Love you bunches and bunches,

Oh Beth! That is so awesome. I'm so hoping this all works out for you. That will be such an amazing boost for you and you family. When do you expect to find out?

Loved the pictures. That's so sweet that he loves her so much :)

I'll try to blog soon. I've just been buried with after hours work.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
- Joshua 1:9 NIV

Beth that is great, here is a Bible verse that will help you get through. Change is good and I will pray for you. Those pictures are the greatest, so cute both of them. Please let me know how everything turns out.
love Aunt Pam
("striving to become an old woman with no regrets")
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