Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween Rain Out...

Well Halloween here sucked!!! It poured down rain all day! Mason and Alden (his friend across the street) were originally going to trick or treat together, so I sent Scott across the street last night to see what they wanted to do! I didn't feel good and still feel a little yucky, but that is beside the point. So they wanted to go to an indoor Halloween thing. So we all loaded up in the van in the rain - the first place loaded couldn't get into the parking lot, so off to the next place - it was packed to but we could get into the parking lot -- we went in and it was CRAZY -- unorganized chaos!!! We stayed for about 20 minutes and had to get outta there, so off to the next one -- couldn't get down the road let alone park. So then we decided to go to Chick-fila and eat -- the kids could play. They were in heaven the playland to themselves. We were talking about them while they were playing and we couldn't believe how well they get along with 4 years difference in age and one is a boy and the other a girl! Bizarre! But we say that they are the best brother and sister each other could ask for -- they go home and are not in your space all the time.

Yes today I turned 27!!! Oh boy what joy! I worked today! They bought me lunch, a cake, and a $40 gift certificate to Target -- it was really nice! Scott and Mason are gone to Outback to get dinner -- I just don't feel well -- I think I have the mini stomach bug -- Mom has it too! Carrie and Guy had it earlier in the week and I guess the germs were still in their house and we got! So I am gonna go and put my jammies on and eat take out!! Maybe have a hot bath after that --
what else can you ask for! Love ya Beth

Well I tried to post some pics of this weekend, but they didn't come up after I loaded them soo I will try again tomorrow!! Love Beth

Sorry to hear that Mason's Halloween was a bummer. And I'm very sorry to hear that your weren't feeling well on your B-day. That was very nice what all your work did though. Hope you feel better today!
Sorry to hear about all the rain on Halloween. Hopefully, Mason got enough treats, even though the weather was bad. Hope you are feeling better. It's a bummer to have to work on your birthday and not feel well to boot. Love YA! K
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