Thursday, December 29, 2005


Well it has come and gone! Mason and I had a great Christmas, Scott laid on the couch curled up in the fetal position at every house we went to sick! But he is better now! You know the boy is sick when the Playstation 2 I bought him for Christmas is still in the box! hahaha Mason made a haul - bicycle, motorcycle and leather motorcycle jacket (from my dad), games, piano, drum, guitar, view finders, train set, and list goes on and on!

Guy gave Carrie and I webcam's so we can talk and look at each other and the kids!

Scott got me a Sunbeam stand mixer that I wanted and a new vaccum! All in all we had a great Christmas.

I forgot my camera when we went to my dad's house so I don't have any pics of the motorcycle, but Carrie does so when she email's them to me I will post them!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Well I was going to email it, but I can't find Kay's email address so I thought I will put it on my blog and whoever wants it can get it!

Crawfish Fettucini

Sautee 3 stalks of celery and 1 bell pepper in 1 1/2 sticks of butter.

Add 1/3 cup of flour
1/2 cup of water
Cook on low heat until all combined

Add 2lbs of crawfish (I use Bernards frozen tails 2 pkgs)

Cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes

Add 1lb of mild mexican velvetta
1 cup of milk

Season to taste (Tony's Cachere's)

Add 12 ounce package of cooked egg noodles

Pour in pan - top with bread crumbs and parmasean

Bake @ 350 degrees for 20 minutes

Just a little tip: Sautee the stuff in a stock pot so that you can keep adding ingredients - otherwise you will mess up every pot in the house -- then pour it all into a lasagna or roasting pan.

No other news for today -- nothing funny or exciting!

Love ya Beth

P.S. hope you all like it - I got the recipe from my friend in South LA - from her grandmother!

Monday, December 19, 2005

The things they do...

The things kids say and do are so funny. This morning we were walking Jolie before we left for school and work on our way home this car pulls up going slow and in it were two women waving - I looked didn't know the lady driving then my Great Aunt leans over and we started talking. They were talking to Mason about Christmas and stuff - when the left Mason started saying that lady silly mommy! Then last week we were at Mom's house and Mom was asking me were Granny was and about that time she was in her bathroom and I heard Eh AHh! And I said well right now she is Hocking up a Loogie -- Mason looks at me Nannie Hoppin' on a Movie! It still cracks me up when I think about that! We exchange gifts with out neighbor yesterday and they gave Mason a Doodle-Pro thing - well he got one last year that was the babyish kind so he was playing with it a few minutes ago and said I have one of these in my room - he went and got it and said I don't need this one Daddy! So we decided to give it to Olivia! Get ready Aunt Pam he is a ham!!! My bosses Mother just loves Mason and I sent them a Christmas card and he told me today that she said of all the Christmas cards that they have received that Mason is by far the cutest! She is so funny! This will be the funniest Christmas I think because he is sooo expressive and to see his reactions to his presents I think will be priceless.

But by far the funniest thing that happened this weekend was: I took Mason to the bathroom at the restaurant on Saturday - well it takes a while to get him all undressed and stuff. So someone had came in to the bathroom, used it, and was washing there hands all the while we are in the stall (take in mind it has a real door and there are no cracks in it) So the lady was washing her hand and we can't see her and she goes to get a paper towel well it is one of those automatic things that make a noise when it dispenses the paper towel. So Mason said there is an Elephant out there mommy - I said an elephant are you sure -- he said Yes there is an elephant out there. So we finish up and come out of the stall the lady is still in the bathroom and looks at us all crazy and walks out -- Mason heard the noise of the paper towel thing and called it an elephant - well the lady was a huge woman -- I guess she thought Mason was calling her an elephant - but he doesn't even know what fat is much less he couldn't see her - his imagination is always running wild and this time it was really funny!!

And in answer to some of your questions I have now lost 25 lbs. and feel great - still want to lose about 15 more. I bought some new clothes at the Loft the other day and got a size 12 pants!!!!! I am now the same weight I was when I got pregnant with Mason just dispersed in different areas!!! All of you know what I am talking about!

Well better run I have go make Crawfish Fettuccine for my bosses birthday tomorrow!

Love ya

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Weekend with Family........

Well this weekend Mason and I shopped with Granny and Momma on Saturday! That was a nightmare -- it was crazy around town. I usually do not go out shopping this close to Christmas because it is sooo crazy! Well we went to Belk's (department store) and got some clothes for Mason and a new leather jacket for next year - it was marked down and it was only $19.00 - I couldn't believe it! I bought him some shirts, button up dress shirts, for $8.00! It was a great sale so the hassle of all the people was worth it I guess. When Scott got off work we all went to Best Buy to get my new Dishwasher!!! Yeahhhh!!! They had to order it and it will not be in for a couple of weeks, but just knowing that I can wash dishes in peace is nice. Our dishwasher now is a piece of junk and it is soooo loud! It was new in the house, but she bought a cheap one when she remodeled the kitchen before we bought the house. We thought it was great when we moved in because we hadn't had a dishwasher in year's. There were people camping out at Best Buy on the sidewalk at 7:30 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. the next morning for a stupid Xbox 360 -- it is cold outside those people are crazy! Today Mason and I went over to Mom's house to help clean up the leaves and I blew the leaves off the roof. We had fun - Mason likes to help. When we were almost done Mason, Mom, and I were playing throwing a pine cone at each other it was funny! Then Mason and I rolled down the hill at Mom's house together and we had the best time we must have rolled down and went back up 50 times! Then once or twice he laid on top of me and we rolled down like that == it thought that was so funny! Then we came over to my house and cleaned up all the leaves here and cut back trees and bushes. Mason played on his swing set most of the time with some sticks. Then he pee peed on himself and I had to take him and clean him up. The allergy testing said he wasn't allergic to grass - kind of funny how he breaks out in a terrible rash every time he plays in the grass!!!! He had a rash all over his legs and stomach when I took his clothes off to clean him up and I had to give him so medicine and put cream on him to try to stop the itching. Poor thing!!! Then Mom, Mason, and I went to Big Lots to get a few things we needed = like the batteries that I had to buy for Mason's gifts! I had to buy a bunch of each size because stupid me didn't look to see what everything took before I wrapped the presents. This was the first year that I bought stuff that needed batteries and I learned my lesson!!! We ordered Pizza at Mom's for supper and Mom and I made these Date Ball things that my Granny wanted - then we came home!! That completed our weekend of fun with Mom and Granny!! Hope you all had a great weekend as well!

Love ya Beth

Monday, December 12, 2005

Weekend and Allergy Testing....

Well we had a great weekend - Carrie came in on Saturday morning and we went to a Belk family Christmas party -- it was okay - really enjoyed seeing and playing with Olivia! Then on Sunday we had Donuts at Mom's house (Scott went and picked them up) -- Scott and I bathed before we went over, but Mason wanted to go with Scott to get the donuts so he hadn't taken a bath yet. So Olivia and Mason took a bath together in Mom's kitchen sink -- that was funny! Carrie and I went out shopping for a bit and then she came over to help me get ready for my work Christmas party -- Half of the pharmacy didn't show up -- all that food - anyway that is another story. Then after that we went over to my Store Directors house for another party - he lives 2 blocks away -- for Christmas they got him a stripper -- she was supposed to be wearing a Santa outfit -- she didn't and she was trash!!!! Ghetto girl and nasty - she didn't bring her own music or nothing =-=- they paid $200 for her she was horrible. They were supposed to call today and talk to the owner and get a refund she was so bad. We had a good time after the trash left. Then we picked up Mason from Momma's house and went to bed. Today I was at work and the Allergy clinic called and wanted to see if we could come in today instead of tomorrow I told her no because I was at work and busy. Later in the afternoon it got really slow so they told me to call back and they told me to bring him on in. So we did that -- he wasn't allergic to anything except Wheat, Peanuts, and White Potatoes. Well the potatoes is what is going to kill him he loves mashed potatoes and french fries. Maybe that is what causes his runny nose or he said it could be his adenoids so I don't know. Seems weird that he has so much problems with the runny nose and he isn't allergic to dust, trees, grass, pollen, or any of that stuff! Well all for now talk you all soon.

Love Beth

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Hussle and Bussle.......

Well not much happening around here just putting out the Decorations and cleaning house!!! The decorations are almost done and Mason is having a great time loooking at them and saying how cool or pretty they are!

On another note - the other day I was talking with Mason and his tooth looked strange, but I thought it was just dirty so we brushed his teeth and went to bed. Well last night it looked the same!! So today I called the dentist office and Scott took him in -- and his tooth is dead! Dr. Bellew said it was from falling and trauma to the tooth! So I now have a child with white teeth and one khaki colored tooth -- right smack in the front -- oh yeah it is his front tooth.

Also, I took him to the allergy specialist on Tuesday and he took him off all of his medicine until Tuesday of next week for his allergy testing -- the one that they stick the needles in the stuff and stick it in their back to see what they are allergic to. So we shall see come next week what my poor child has!!!

Well gotta run and finish up my decorations.

Love ya Beth

P.S. Here is a motto we should all live by: Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, diet coke in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "YAH HOO what a ride!"

We just need to remember to have fun!!!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Christmas Memories......

Well my Aunt Pam gave me a really great thought for a topic! What was the most memorable Christmas you ever had? Well I can think of two!

First, Would be the year that we got bean bags and bulletin boards from Santa! I don't know why I remember that Christmas so well - I guess I was about 6 and Momma and Daddy (Santa) got us Bean Bags and Bulletin boards for our rooms. Well not long before that we moved into the new house and Carrie and I rode our bean bags down the stairs all day and that day just sticks in my head for some reason.

The Second, Would be 3 Christmas's ago that I spent my last Christmas with my Grandaddy! We went to the nursing home and had Christmas with him and he got us some presents (Mom helped) She wrapped them up and put them under the tree in his room and he signed the gift tags and everything. I still have that gift tag hanging up year round in my kitchen -- my little memory!

Whew -- well that was a tough one to right about

Next, subject please...

We took Mason to see Santa again tonight dressed in his Christmas outfit and he smiled somewhat for the picture, but Santa sucked he didn't look as good as the ones in Dallas!! He was so stupid he told Mason that his grandson's name was Nathan too and that was a good name. Santa doesn't have grand kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a long crazy week at work and I still haven't heard when my next interview will be -- that will be a good Christmas present, unlike Aunt Pam's niece's boobs for Christmas! Well gonna go for now Love Beth

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