Thursday, December 29, 2005


Well it has come and gone! Mason and I had a great Christmas, Scott laid on the couch curled up in the fetal position at every house we went to sick! But he is better now! You know the boy is sick when the Playstation 2 I bought him for Christmas is still in the box! hahaha Mason made a haul - bicycle, motorcycle and leather motorcycle jacket (from my dad), games, piano, drum, guitar, view finders, train set, and list goes on and on!

Guy gave Carrie and I webcam's so we can talk and look at each other and the kids!

Scott got me a Sunbeam stand mixer that I wanted and a new vaccum! All in all we had a great Christmas.

I forgot my camera when we went to my dad's house so I don't have any pics of the motorcycle, but Carrie does so when she email's them to me I will post them!

Looks like he got everything on his list, yea!!! what a nice looking piano and guitar.I'm glad ya'll had a good Christmas.
luv ya Aunt Pam
It looks like Mason was a very good boy this year! I hope you like music!! The fetticini was a big hit. The recipe will be one of our favorites. Jim and Angie and the kids were here yesterday and we had it for lunch. Thanks for the new treat! Happy NeW Year! K
Looks like you guys had a great Christmas...minus Scott :( hope everyone's feel good and I hopw you guys have a GREAT New Year!

The webcam idea is perfect.
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