Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Well I was going to email it, but I can't find Kay's email address so I thought I will put it on my blog and whoever wants it can get it!

Crawfish Fettucini

Sautee 3 stalks of celery and 1 bell pepper in 1 1/2 sticks of butter.

Add 1/3 cup of flour
1/2 cup of water
Cook on low heat until all combined

Add 2lbs of crawfish (I use Bernards frozen tails 2 pkgs)

Cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes

Add 1lb of mild mexican velvetta
1 cup of milk

Season to taste (Tony's Cachere's)

Add 12 ounce package of cooked egg noodles

Pour in pan - top with bread crumbs and parmasean

Bake @ 350 degrees for 20 minutes

Just a little tip: Sautee the stuff in a stock pot so that you can keep adding ingredients - otherwise you will mess up every pot in the house -- then pour it all into a lasagna or roasting pan.

No other news for today -- nothing funny or exciting!

Love ya Beth

P.S. hope you all like it - I got the recipe from my friend in South LA - from her grandmother!

Thank You! We usually have gumbo or atouffe for our Christmas dinner when the boys come home since they are so tired of turkey and dressing by the time they get here. This definately be something different! Love Ya! K
We will br trying this out on Friday...and I can't wait!!
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