Sunday, January 08, 2006

Christmas Down.....

I like to look at all my Christmas Decorations, but putting them up and down is the pits. I finished getting them all down last night - now I just have to put the totes in the attic. I also found two totes of my clothes that I put up there when I got pregnant -- A lot of it shirt wise was out of date - it is amazing how in 3 years fashion has changed so much. And for the pants well they were all size 8! So I threw most of them back in to be sold in the garage sale and the ones that were real expensive that I bought at a boutique I kept thinking well maybe one day - I just hated to put $170 pants in the garage sale! OH course I didn't pay full price they were on sale (Scott is having a heart attack as he is reading this) hahaha! I did throw my Tommy jeans in there -- that was depressing - because lets face it I have gotten pretty skinny (as compared to 6 months ago) and I still have a long way to go to fit into a size 8! So if I ever get back into a size 8 -- I am going to throw a huge party and throw all my clothes away and go crazy and buy new ones! Except my pants I kept that are a size 8 -- they have to stay!!!

Today we are going to Monroe for my dad's birthday -- they are having steak and lobster! He turned 55 yesterday -- older than dirt! hahaha I had lobster once and it was dry so I have never tried it again. They boil there's in crab boil so I think it will be good.

Well hope all of your weigh-in's went well I lost a pound so I guess that is good! Carrie wants to do it as well so I emailed her Jim's address to email her weight!

Love all of you,

Girl...that's how I feel about getting back to size 8. PARTY TIME!
I will be delighted to get all the sizes in my closet over size 12 GONE!

Have fun at your Dad's. Lobster sounds GREAT!
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