Monday, January 23, 2006

It's Official....

Well I got the phone call today and it's official now! This Friday will be my last day of work at Brookshire's full-time (I will still work every now and then). Next Wednesday I have to go to the store to fill out my new hire paperwork and start working on the following Monday! So 2 weeks from today I will start at Pier 1!!!! I hope that it is as wonderful as I think it will be! I just felt stagnant at Brookshire's and I needed a change before I needed to start taking drugs to deal with my job!! hahaha I took off tomorrow to use up a personal day and I am taking vacation all next week to use that up!!! Just a little R&R next week! Hey Aunt Pam what are you all doing next week???

Well gotta run Love ya Beth

Wonderful! We wish you all the best.
Yea!!! congratulations!!!
we are working next week, but if you come down, I will try to take a day or 2 off. My job is crazy right now because we are pushing training out to the refinery, but hopefully we will be on the downhill next week, just let me know. Kaci she is at home during the day though.
You go girl! Congratulations! And P.S. That vacation to Florida was fun! We need to do it again!
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