Thursday, January 05, 2006

No Go.....

Well I got the call this morning that my interview was cancelled -- and that he may do a phone interview! So I haven't heard from him yet so who knows. His son is in ICU and about to die so I can totally understand at this point. He has brain cancer and they had to put shunts in his brain and now he is in a comma. So that is what is going on with him and the interview thus far. I may wake up tomorrow and he call or he may call tonight -- if he does I will be totally surprised. So anyway that is my status -- thanks for the words of advice and the boost of confidence - maybe we can do it again next week!!! hahaha!!!!

wow and we think we have problems...keep practicing interviewing and I'll keep praying
luv ya Aunt Pam
I know you're bummed. Hang in there.

How old is this guys son?
The guy is like 26 or 27 - right at my age
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