Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Web Cam and Interview Part II

Well my day started out with going at 8 a.m. to get my hair colored, cut, fixed, and my brows waxed! Then after I left there Robert called for my interview. It went really well - I think and I should no something before the end of the week! So hopefully this weekend I will be celebrating!

As for the Web Cam - Guy bought us web cam's with microphones and we got the Yahoo! instant messenger with voice and we can talk and view each other!

More new later Mason wants me to go and play in his room!

Love ya Beth

Post a picure of the new do!

Glad you finally got the interviewing done.

Thanks for te webcam info.
Great!! thats so cool do you realize that everything the "Jetsens" has come to pass except for the flying cars.
Well you may be too young to even remember the "Jetsens"
today is mine and Davids anniversary 27 years.
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