Thursday, March 30, 2006

It's Been Awhile...

Well back to work and things are going a little better since I talked to the Regional Manager about the Store Manager and she got a attitude adjustment! Mason and I went to Carrie's on Friday and spent the weekend - Came home on Monday. We shopped all week, met Jim, Angie, and the kids at the Putt Putt place rode Go Karts and then went to eat Thai Food -- I didn't care for it but that's my personal opinion. Mason wanted to go back to the "Circus" the next day to ride Go Karts again -- Carrie and I told him they were closed. I brought Olivia home with us and kept her two nights and Mom watched her during the day - then yesterday Mom came over and got her and she is staying the rest of the time at Carrie's since I am getting off work late the rest of the week. Olivia is really needy and kind of spoiled - compared to what Mason was when he was a baby and whew I just wanted to pull my hair out some of the time. Yesterday before I went to work Mason went into his bathroom and had her follow him in then he ran out and closed the door so she was stuck in the bathroom. I tried and tried to get her out but she was sitting in front of the door where you couldn't open it - finally I got her out. Then I went to work - Scott is watching them for a few hours now. He said they were really quite so he went to check on them and they were in my dining room - opened my china cabinet and had out a coffee cup each of my china! Mason knows better and he was just using Olivia to get into mischief. Then Scott took them in the kitchen and was fixing there lunch and walked out of the room to do laundry and came back Mason had gotten out his Markers colored paper, the floor, and himself - oh an Olivia had a Marker too - Scott said he had to pry it out of her hand and she threw a fit. He said he definitely wanted more kids -- hahahaha yeah right! In case any of you are wondering why Olivia is at our houses and not with her parents. They are in Ft. Lauderdale looking for houses -- Carrie got a huge promotion and transferring! Well gotta get ready for work Love ya Beth

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Here is a pic of Momma with her tan from Florida and Miss Olivia (getting big)

I am back...

Well tomorrow I will weigh in but thus far I have lost 32 pounds right along with Angie!!! Mom bought a pair of size 12 jeans == so she is doing great as well! I am in between 12's and 10's -- is just depends on the pants! I really haven't had the time to write lately working 45 hours is getting pretty tough! I am tired!!!!! But in the end it will pay off just about 3 more months to go! I am going to Carrie's on Friday -- will see Angie and Family at the Ballgame as well!!! I really don't have much to tell except Mason is just rotten!!! hahaha Nothing has changed with that -- he is going to be lost when Scott goes back to work and is not here all day playing with him! We have been to the park a few times playing and having family time! When I am not at work! Well I am really tired I will try to write more later when I can think of something to say! Love ya Beth

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

We May Not....

Loose our house now!!! Scott got a job at Rent One - tangled web we weave! Scott's friend knows the owner and told him about Scott - he went to Rex to talk with him and the Scott went yesterday to talk more in depth! But the man is also my old bosses best friend!!! They are trying to decide where they want Scott to train at first. But the hours are great 9-6 M-F 9-5 Sat Off on Wed and Sun!! So he will actually be home more! Now if I just can finish my training and get away from the moron that is supposed to be training me then we will be doing alright!

Aunt Pam -- my friend Aimee that lives in Jennings grew up with Jeremy and called me this morning to tell me that and that yesterday she saw Kaci at the Dentist office and made the connection like 15 minutes after Kaci left!! She said isn't it a small world!

I love to buy clothes don't get me wrong - but loosing weight and needing new pants again is getting old!! Because when you are tall, have large thighs, and a small waist it is impossible to find pants that don't stick out in the waist in the back and fit in the thigh!! So now I am going to be needing new pants soon and I am faced with this dilemma all over again!!!!!! I need Aunt Cindy to live close by so she can take my pants up when I need her too!! hahahaha

Well gotta run

Love ya Beth

P.S. Aunt Pam it has been "One thing leads to another" For two weeks now!!! WRITE!!!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Doctor and Cowboy....

Well Mason has been wanting a Doctor Kit - but the day we went we couldn't find one! So yesterday I was off and we went to all the Toy stores and no Doctor Kit! So while we were at Toys R Us I went over to the Role Play section and thought maybe they have a Doctor set there -- nope! But Mason saw the Cowboy one and wanted it - but I told him no because he wanted the Doctor Kit - prior to us finding out that one was not in this town! So we were at Scott's store and he was playing with a cord saying it was a cowboy rope - well he took the cord with him and wanted to take it to the store with him -- no!!! So anyway the cord is in my van and last night I went online and finally found the doctor kit and ordered it for the spoiled baby! Then I was telling Scott about the Cowboy outfit -- he went and bought it for Mason this morning! Spoiled huh! He has been telling Momma that she needed to buy him a cowboy hat -- been watching Buzz Lightyear!!! Toy Story!!! Then he also proceed to tell my Mother that Mommy and Daddy were bringing him a new baby sister! I said oh really -- not in this lifetime! I told Scott and he said is there something that you need to tell me and I said I don't think so and I know I am not delivering anymore babies or getting fat again so you must be having the baby sister!!! hahaha Well he are the pics of our Cowboy:

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Just a day...

Hey y'all:

Angie I am so proud for you too! I know it feels great to be rid of the pounds.

Aunt Pam - The verse says that God doesn't have evil things set out for us that in the end we will have peace and happiness - thank you so much for always having peaceful and uplifting things for me to read! I love you very much! Tearing up now!!! I love you

Not much else to report just work and playing with Mason - it is so nice that the weather is so pretty! I can't wait for Spring to get here and stay around! Mason just loves to play outside. Love ya Beth

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