Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Few things to report....

Well first on my list is to pray for a good friend of mines little boy! He had a bad ear infection that led to Meningitis and is in the hospital in Jennings. His brain was swelling, but it has stopped and he has become coherent again. Hopefully he will get to go home in 14 days.

Secondly, Carrie and Guy made and offer on a house and it was accepted - they close on May 10th -- they are moving before that though. I believe they move in 2 weeks! So we have a great vacation spot, but have to fly just to see them!

Work is going okay - just can't stand the store manager that is training me, but anyway life goes on.

Scott is starting to like his job a little better and is still looking for something else.

Mason is just Mason and that is about all you can say about that!

Well gotta run
Love ya Beth

Sorry to hear about your friend's little boy. That's scary! Hope he has a quick recovery.

Glad Carrie and Guy found something. Hope it's everything they wanted :)

Hate to hear that you have a pain in the butt boss. Hope there's a chance that it'll get better soon.
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