Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Up, Up, and Away...

Well Mason and Mom are off to Florida - Mason loved riding the airplane and they hit some turbulance and he said whew hoo - like he was on a ride! So wish I was on the trip as well, but somebody has to work! I will post more later when I get more news on there trip.

Love Beth

Thursday, May 18, 2006

MDA and Wiggles......

Well today I went to the luncheon with MDA and it wasn't what I expected as far as the children there - there was only one little boy! We raised some more money at lunch and then we ate and left. It was a good feeling knowing that we all helped send these kids to camp and get there medical needs covered.

As for the Wiggles - it was pretty cute. I even enjoyed it! If they come to your town the kids will enjoy it! And of course Mason got a light stick - as he does at every event we go to!

Hope all of you are having a great week!

Love ya Beth

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Aunt Pam remember a few months back when we were unsure of what we were going to do because of Scott loosing his job and you said not to worry that God will never let us fall and you quoted a verse? It all came true and without you and faith I would have never realized that! I love you and hope you know how much you mean to all of us!

Love you Beth

Monday, May 15, 2006

Breaking News.........

Well today I went to work at 8:00 a.m. and the Assistant Store Manager and Store Manager were to arrive at 1:00 p.m. --- well the Assistant showed up, but the Store Manager did not! So after a while I called the Regional Manager to see what was going on and she said the Candace (Store Manager) quit last night! So today I took the position as Store Manager of Pier One in Shreveport!!!

Also, Carrie and Guy are home owners now and are painting and getting ready to move in this week!!

Mason is doing great and will be starting Calvary Baptist Academy in August.

Scott is doing fine and should be getting his own store in a few weeks.

Love ya Beth

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Okay here is the scoop....

Well my regional came to the store yesterday and talked to Candace the Store Manager - she gave her the option of going back home (South LA) and being an Asst. Manager. So she (Candace) told me today that she will be leaving in one to two weeks -YEAH!!!! Also Heidi (Regional) told Candace that she was a disappointment as a Store Manager. So anyway in a couple of weeks I should have my own store!!!

Other than everything is fine and hope you are all doing great as well.

Love ya Beth

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Hey all we are all still doing fine!! My Regional Manager comes tomorrow --- so hopefully I will have a story or two to tell tomorrow!!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Well work is miserable -- I wish the store manager would get fired or just leave already!!! She is driving me nuts!!! Other than that when she is not there I really enjoy working for Pier One.

As for the MDA lock-up I don't get "locked up" until the 18th so you ALL have plenty of time to help me reach my goal! I sent out new emails tonight with a link that actually works - I need to tell the MDA people that there links don't work and I had to copy and paste until I got it to work so that I could actually try to get people to help me in raising money for them.

Mason is doing great and will be starting Private School in August and I can't wait for him to actually learn and live up to his potential. He is incredibly smart but he just isn't learning anything at the Daycare that he is at now. The turn over rate their is horrible as well - every couple of months they get a new teacher and that just doesn't help the kids.

Scott is doing okay and likes his job alright he says.

Mom and Mason are flying out on the 23rd to Carrie's while we stay at home and pay for a plane ticket so he can go and play on the beach.. Stinks huh! Well maybe we can go on a vacation when I get some vacation time in August.

I have bored you all long enough. Love ya Beth

Monday, May 01, 2006

MDA Lock-Up...

As many of you know and have gotten the email I am doing the MDA Lock-up with a couple of friends from work and it is for a really good cause. We are raising the money here in town to send local Muscular Dystrophy children to camp at Camp Bethany - here in the Shreveport area. The children will be at the benefit so we get to meet them and have lunch with them -- so that will be nice to actually see who your money is going to! I hope all of you are having a great week and are enjoying the HOT weather!!! Mom and I went to Longview, TX on Saturday shopping for the day - we had a good time just going without Granny! Sunday, we didn't do anything but yard work and played with Mason. Today, I cleaned house all day and ran a couple of errands. Well gotta run and check on dinner - Chicken and Broccoli Fettucini!

Love ya Beth

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