Thursday, July 06, 2006

Well the Verdict is in...........

It's a boy!!!! I was just fixing to go get my pictures and download them when I remembered I left it at Mom's work. Dang!!! Well nothing has been going on here just work and playing with Mason! We bought a raffle ticket for St. Jude's research it's $100 and you can win a brand new house 4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths!!!! So maybe we will win!! hahaha

Love Beth

P.s. I think of more to say later!

Congrats :) Is Mason excited? Please load the pics when you can. You gotta post a picutre of you with the belly too :)
No belly dancer shots in this house!!! Mason doesn't know because he wants everything tomorrow and he will drive us crazy for 4 months!!!
Awh :(
Great! It's going to be fun with two boys.
can't wait for the pics.
luv & hugs
aunt pam
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