Monday, August 21, 2006

Mason's First Day of Preschool....

Well today was his first day of Big Boy School!! He was excited, but he did whine a little because he wanted Carrie and Olivia - they left yesterday. I can't wait to pick him up and hear how he liked it! I have tried twice to post the picture I took of him - and blogger is not cooperating so maybe it will later.

I got my brace off my wrist and have to wear it only if it begins to swell or hurt. She said for the next 3 months it would be sore and it may swell. So far if I picked up one of the kids wrong or something it hurt a little, but that is about it. Yesterday we went to Target and once we were in the parking lot Mason got out of his seat and was standing next to Mom and I (why he thought he needed to do this is beyond me), but then I saw a place to park and put the brakes on and he naturally fell forward I caught him with my bad arm and it hurt for a little while, but all is well other than that.

I think we have thought of a name: Jaxon Cole Remillard - what do you think?

Well gotta run! Love ya Beth

LOVE the name! LOVE IT!
Very cool name. I'm glad you are doing good. wow the time is flying. I hope you had a good visit with Carrie and Olivia. I'm home sick today, going to dr. at 2:00. Stomach...problems.
luv ya,
aunt pam
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