Tuesday, December 26, 2006

From Small Fry to Chunky Butt......

Well Mr. Jaxon Cole is no longer a small fry!!! Today we went for a check-up before we fly out on Saturday and to get the letter for the airline saying it was okay for him to fly and Mr. Jaxon weighed in at a WHOPPING 9 lbs. and 11 ozs. and is 21 1/4 inches long! And as you can tell from my previous post it was only two weeks ago that he weighed 7 lbs. 6 ozs. -- somebody likes his formula! Daddy asked was I feeding him Elephant Formula!

Well Christmas was a delight for Mason -- he got a 4-wheeler, 2 magnifying glasses (so he can look at bugs), and a Pogo Stick from Santa (the magnifying glass and Pogo stick were on his list) -- along with a slew of other things -- race car track, pop-up tent, etchascetch, money, and Scott's Aunt Vicki got him the Fischer Price Kid Tough Digital Camera -- it is really cool. I will post some pics he took later. Momma is in Florida already and spent Christmas with Carrie, Guy, and Olivia and the boys and I will be there on Saturday - we will not be back until the 10th of January so I will not be posting for a couple of days!

Scott bought me pearl earrings for Christmas and Santa brought me a CD Player for under the kitchen cabinets -- I was a really good girl this year! hahaha

Before Rex closed Scott got me a CD player for under the cabinet and I never hooked it up because I was waiting to put up my pot racks and stuff and I needed Momma's help. So we put the pot racks up and then drilled the holes in the cabinet and mounted the CD player and the damn thing wouldn't work!!!! Well Rex is out of business can't take it back -- so Dear Saint Nick new how disappointed I was and brought me a new one -- Mason really likes it too!! My kitchen is a Stage for all the latest dance moves! hahaha

Love ya Beth

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Big Boy....

I took Jaxon for his two week check-up today! He now weighs 7 lbs. 6 ozs. and is 19 3/4 inches long! He has grown in the past two weeks. From 5 lbs 15 ozs. and 19 inches long (yes at birth they said he was 17 1/2 inches long and two days later he was 19 inches long - so they said the hospital was wrong he was really 19 inches long)! I will post more pictures soon! Love ya Beth

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Mason Thomas and Jaxon Cole...

Mason loves his brother!!! Jaxon is doing well -- he has begun eating 3 ounces every 3 hours -- so he is putting on a little weight! He goes for a check-up on Thursday so we will see how much he has gained. Mason is loving school and learning so much! Private school is the way to go!!! He also does the Tumblebus (gymnastic bus that comes to the school once a week) - gives him something to do extra and he does it while he is at school so I don't have to worry about taking him after I get off work -- when I go back! We put up our Christmas tree and Mason just loves it! He helped me decorate the Silver tree in the living room, and I did the real tree while he was at school, then he helped decorate his Christmas tree in his room. So we are set just a few more decorations and I will be finished. I will start posting more frequently again!

Love Beth

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