Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Mason Thomas and Jaxon Cole...

Mason loves his brother!!! Jaxon is doing well -- he has begun eating 3 ounces every 3 hours -- so he is putting on a little weight! He goes for a check-up on Thursday so we will see how much he has gained. Mason is loving school and learning so much! Private school is the way to go!!! He also does the Tumblebus (gymnastic bus that comes to the school once a week) - gives him something to do extra and he does it while he is at school so I don't have to worry about taking him after I get off work -- when I go back! We put up our Christmas tree and Mason just loves it! He helped me decorate the Silver tree in the living room, and I did the real tree while he was at school, then he helped decorate his Christmas tree in his room. So we are set just a few more decorations and I will be finished. I will start posting more frequently again!

Love Beth

So great to hear from you!!! The baby is so handsome and so is his big brother..of course!

When do you go back to work?

My kids daycare used to have the Tumblebus also. I always thought it was a great idea too! And the less running around for me the better!
I go back to work mid-January
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