Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Mason's 4th Birthday.....

It doesn't seem like four years ago already that Mason was born! He had a great birthday weekend -- Daddy, Wanda, Aunt Cindy, and Uncle John came to town on Saturday and we went down to the boardwalk and had lunch and took the kids to Build a Bear. Aunt Cindy and Uncle John got Mason a Buzz Lightyear costume for his Monkey that he has. Then we came home and Mom came over and cooked hamburgers and we all visited until Midnight. Then on Sunday Morning Mom, Carrie, and I were putting together Mason's trampoline and Uncle John and Aunt Cindy showed up to help and they were our saving grace. Uncle John could pull the springs that we just couldn't get. So the Trampoline was a success and a hit - Scott and I, Carrie, Guy, and Olivia, Momma, Granny, Daddy and Wanda, Karen and David Recchia all gave him the trampoline for his birthday. I ordered it from -- Jumpking is the brand we had when we were kids and we never had any problems with it and it is better quality so that is why I wanted to get him the more expensive one. I got free UPS shipping to my door step and no tax -- so we were happy with that. He had about 6 kids at his party and they all had a blast -- we kept making them come inside to thaw out. Since it has rained so much we put the trampoline together in the front yard so that the kids wouldn't get muddy -- As the neighbors drove by they would just look -- I said they are probably thinking look at that white trash with that trampoline in the front yard! The fun part was moving it to the back yard -- we had to dodge the power lines and that was so much fun!! Momma, Carrie, Mrs. Wanda, Scott, and I were worn out after we moved that to the backyard. Carrie and Olivia flew home yesterday -- no dry eyes in sight!! We will not see each other until April for Olivia's birthday. I would show you all pictures from the party, but my camera is broken so Momma took pictures - but I need to get here Memory Card to load them on my computer.

On a different note - I went back to work on Monday and Jaxon had his first day of Daycare. The ladies said he is so sweet! He sympathy cries though -- when another baby cries - he starts to cry! Work is a treat -- my store looks like SH%^ and I have no staff! I can't hire anyone because I am getting some of the staff from the Bossier store because it is closing! Well better run and get my shower and get dressed -- I am not due to go to work until 1:00, but I am doing a surprise attack today!!

Love ya Beth

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Not much..

Going on around here! Just preparing for Mason's birthday party -- the big #4! Jaxon is getting so big -- my camera is messed up our I would post some new pictures! Last night we had our first winter weather -- SLEET! They closed all the interstates and everything -- it didn't even stick -- Crazy Louisianians! They first words out of Granny's mouth last night is do you think you should go to the store and buy me some milk in case I can't get out -- she has a 1/2 a gallon! If the roads are frozen over I think you can drink something besides Milk! hahaha Scott's store is next to a grocery store and he said that there were people everywhere buying groceries --because they might get iced in!

In other news it was raining for 3 days prior to the sleet and I woke up at 6:45 a.m. to make Jaxon a bottle - it was still dark because of the weather -- I walked into the kitchen stepped in a puddle -- I screamed because it was cold -- I flipped on the light thinking did I just step in Dog Pee? Well I wish now that I had because our roof is leaking! So I wake up Scott and he goes into the attic to put buckets under the leak -- he keeps having to go up there and dump the water. Mom's best friend has a son-in-law in the roofing business so he is supposed to come by today and look at it!

Mom and I went last night and had Mason's party invites made and they will be ready this evening so hopefully I can get them out by tomorrow! Well guess I better go dry my hair and finish getting ready before he comes over to look at the roof.

Love ya Beth

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Blogger sometimes makes me want to scream!!! This is the 5th time trying to get my pictures on here -- but it finally worked! These pictures are from the Palm Beach Zoo -- it was really nice and the kids had a great time. The trip was really nice, but I am glad to be home as well. Olivia is getting so big! Carrie and Olivia are coming to town on the 24th for Mason's birthday party! We went today and he picked out his party theme -- he wanted Pinocchio and that is just impossible to find (I even searched the Internet) - so I took him to Party City and he picked out Chicken Little. His party will be on the 28th on his actual birthday -- if any of you want to come and stay the night the more the merrier! Carrie's house is really nice and in a nice neighborhood. She lives about 15 minutes from Palm Beach, Boynton Beach, and 45 minutes from Hollywood Beach. We went to the beach twice and it was nice, but the water was cold and Mason didn't like it when it got into his mouth! Jaxon just laid under the umbrella and looked around and slept. When we went to Hollywood Beach Carrie went over to a restaurant on the Broadwalk and got pizza and brought it back to the beach -- Mason said you better watch out Poopy those Beagles will get you!! Seagulls -- Carrie and I laughed and almost peed our pants! Hope all of you had a great New Year's -- have any of you ever heard of banging pots and pans in the street at midnight on New Year's Eve? Some crazy people were doing this in Carrie's neighborhood!

Well gotta run!

Love ya Beth

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