Monday, February 26, 2007


Well not to much has been going on exciting lately! Jaxon finally got rid of his ear infection after 2 1/2 weeks. He is now weighing at 14 lbs 4 ozs. and 24 inches long as of Thursday. I really haven't had time to blog -- and not much has really happened to write about. I have been trying to get bids on some remodeling we want to do and no one would show up except for one man == so we said we would just go with him, since he is willing to work!!!!! We are getting a new roof, new windows, new front porch, new front door, new reconfigured back steps, a deck, and a fence around the backyard - oh and 3 trees cut down! Lots of stuff, but we need to make the improvements if we plan to stay here. We had some pretty bad weather Saturday, but luckily the tornadoes didn't touch down by our house!! I can't think of much else to write about, because I emailed all of you the pictures of the boys -- I hope that some of them were good -- I am trying to figure out my new camera and all of its buttons!!!!

Talk to you all soon


Thursday, February 08, 2007

This Week....

Well Sunday we took both boys to the doctor because they were sick. Mason -- just a virus - gave him some antibiotics and a new cough medicine. Jaxon - thought he had RSV - had his first chest x-ray at 2 months, swabbed his nose, and did the finger poke. He did not have RSV - just a virus as well - gave him Antibiotics and cough medicine. Well the antibiotics have given him a horrible diaper rash. So Mason had his 4 year old check-up today, so I had the Doctor look at it and he (his regular doctor is a woman and she had to leave for an emergency c-section) wanted to make sure it was not a yeast infection. He said it was a chemical burn from the antibiotics and just put Neosporin on it and not to use Diaper rash ointment. So Mason had his vision checked, blood pressure, ears, throat, -- the works. Well when we got to his height - we all know that he is very tall for his age - well the 4 year old growth chart doesn't have his height on it!!!! He is 45 1/2 inches tall -- 2 1/2 inches shy of being 4 ft tall at 4 years old!!! Can we say GIANT!!!!!!!!! He got 4 shots - he only was required to have 3, but the 4th was the Hepatitis A Vaccine that is not required in LA at schools. I told them to go ahead and give it to him, because Hepatitis is nothing to play around with!!! Work is going okay - I been killing myself trying to get my store back in order and I have 1/3 of it finished! I am getting to be like Angie and Jim -- if no one wants to reply then why am I writing!?


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mason's Birthday Pictures I promised...

As you can tell the Trampoline was a hit!!

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