Thursday, October 27, 2005


This was toooooo funny not to put it in my blog!!! I emailed it to a few of you, but I felt it was just crazy enough to be at the beginning of my blog today. I know you all enjoy a big Ass Jack-o-lantern every now and again! hahahaha Well not much going on today just work. Mason was better today and now Scott has the flu symptoms again and is going to the doctor tomorrow! I am going to make him get prescriptions of Tamiflu for all of us if is truly the flu. My Grandmother (Daddy's mom) is going to have surgery tomorrow for a stress fracture in her back - they are going to do a procedure were they drill a whole in the bone and put cement in it. Well not much else to tell == hope you all enjoyed the Big Ass Jack-o-lantern!!!

Love Beth

Another day........

Well yesterday was just another day! Tuesday Scott came home from work weak, muscles and bones ached, and fever! I told him to keep his Flu symptom butt away from us. Then he stayed home on Wednesday - Mason went to school. Last night Mason ate pancakes for a snack (2), then a couple of hours later when we were eating supper he came and said he wanted some too! So I was having a hamburger and tater tots and Scott was eating fish things and tater tots. First Mason started eating pickles then he wanted tater tots and fish. So he ate that then for a special together time and treat we made cupcakes. Well I had cake mix, but no icing so we sent Scott to the grocery store for icing. When Mason and I began to make the batter -- there were weevils (Sp?) freaking bugs in the cake mix. So into the trash that went. Called Scott's cell phone -- ringing in the bedroom. So then I went and got the phone book out and called the grocery store -- he came to the phone and brought home another cake mix and icing! We made the cupcakes and we ate one! Mason ate 1/2 of his and said he was full (you think). When we were going to bed I read Mason's bedtime story (Biscuit books are his favorite right now) then we were cuddling to go to sleep (Mason). ** Graphic Material Ahead haha** He started holding his stomach and crying that his tummy hurt - he ate to much. So I tried to give him some pepto bismol -- screaming, spitting, and crying -- that was no! So he lays back down. Then he gets off our bed stands up crying that his tummy hurts --- and then all hell broke loose... He erupted!!!! My brilliant husband tries to catch it in his hands (hahaha) As most of you know -- if they do it once -- more is coming behind that! So he erupts again (grown man size) Scott still trying to catch it! So off Mason and I go to get a bath -- he's crying I don't want to take a bath -- I give him a quick bath (but didn't wash his hair it was dry) I sat him in my lap to dry him off and hold him and I get this whiff of vomit from his head -- so I said we have to wash your hair I guess some got in it -- no I am clean mommy! So Scott dangles his head over the bathtub while I wash it and all the while you would have thought we were beating him senseless! Screaming could have been heard down the block! Back to bed we go -- Wait a little while and we repeat the process once more! Then after we change and all that again. We went to lay down again and he starts crying and stuff so I cradle hold him, stand up and rock him until he falls asleep -- Snoring like a grown man would. Put him in his bed and about 3 am he wakes up Scott throwing up again. So anyway I hope that my child doesn't have a virus and give it to another kid, but we think he just ate to much!! I put extra clothes in his bag today just in case and hopefully I will not get the call from the Daycare -- Mrs. Remillard you child just puked all over the classroom can you come and get him! Sorry for the throwing up story, but all of us are parents and know the feeling!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Monday back at work...

Today was so bad -- because I am off tomorrow hahaha!!! I was supposed to work on Saturday, but I scheduled someone else to work for me since I was on vacation -- still kept my off day during the week!!! Momma didn't raise a fool! hahaha So what is everyone going to be for Halloween -- of course you know Mason will be Spiderman. I hope that everyone had a good Monday to start the week off with. Nothing interesting has happened here today so not much to speak about -- except the weather it's cold -- I am having to run the heater (Pier and Beam house with wood floors -- and old windows) That is my next investment -- windows! I wish I could just buy them and put them in myself or have a friend or something that new how it would be sooooo much cheaper. Well talk to you all later Mason wants fruit snacks. Love Beth

P.S. Angie thanks for the tip about the comments I fixed that problem.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Need a Vacation from the vacation....

Well the shed is complete!!! All except the doors and it was complicated and we are going to get Scott's dad to help with that! I didn't know that a 10x14 gable roof shed could take so freaking long to put together! We finished it on Friday. Saturday a friend from Harlingen came to town and we spent the day with them. We had a nice time visiting and the kids playing together. Today, Scott cleaned the house and I was outside putting that expanding foam stuff around the base of the building and up in the roof areas at the seams. Then I put all the stuff in the shed! After that I raked up the yard to make sure all the nails are up! Probably didn't get them all but hopefully I did. Then I showered and went shopping with momma, I bought some new jeans, shirt, and jacket. I picked out what I wanted for my birthday from my Granny so Momma bought it for her. A new purse and a shirt and sweater set! Yeah! Then we went to eat Chinese and came home. I then began cleaning out our closets --- 3 trash bags later I was finished (Scott helped bag it up and tried to relinquish some shirts -- but I prevailed on all of them except for 1 -- but I might get it if he doesn't wear it in the next few weeks)!!!! Mason's closet was interesting -- some clothes he never wore -- he got so tall all of the sudden. I bought him a bunch of stuff at The Children's Place last year and I took all the tags off of it to wash. He has more clothes now than we do! When we were bagging up the clothes Scott said didn't you just buy this? I said yes but now they are too big -- would you like me to grow back into them or buy new stuff?? He said I like you what ever way you are!! Sure you do hahahaha!! Well I have rambled (literally) long enough -- Goodnight


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

More work and a pic of Olivia at the pumpkin patch...

Well today I was flying solo - Scott had to go to Dallas for a meeting and I was working alone today. I got the top supports around the building put up and all the walls! Mom is coming over in the morning and helping me do the roof. I made all the gable pieces today so that when she gets here we can get started on putting it up. Then I tore down the wooden fence next to my neighbors house -- it was eaten up termites as well. I sprayed it all down so that they would leave there and come in my house! I have to spray the outside of my house and underneath once all the wood is gone. Mason played and played outside today with me! I wish I could have stopped working to go and get the camera, but by the time I would have went inside he would have stopped doing what he was doing! He had on a pair of safety glasses and had the level and was checking everything out. Then I was measuring something and he wanted to measure too = so Scott gave him a little tape measure before he left - so Mason was measuring everything with his glasses on -- all he needed was a hard hat and a tool belt.

I talked to Carrie last night and she said that they can't get internet service until December due to the hurricane's. They are on the list to get it though -- so hopefully they can get it before then! Carrie and Momma took Olivia to the pumpkin patch before they left to have her picture made like Mason's. So here it is .....

She is soooo cute -- little Ragedy Ann!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Part of the Shed up and Pics of My Boo Boo --- Caution Graphic Content Parental Guidance Requested hahaha

Well these are pics of my nasty bruised leg - per Angie's request!!! Also this is the progress we have made so far on the shed -- it has been quite a chore for two people who have never built anything before (well I have built small stuff with someone that knows what they are doing), but Scott has never done anything like this!! So I am the contractor and he is the help -- so he says!! This is the second trailer full of crap we had hauled off -- the rubble from the old shed and garage! I forgot to take a picture of the first trailer and wished I had one of the garage laid out over my backyard! Tomorrow not much will get accomplished because Scott was told on Saturday that they are having a managers meeting in Dallas tomorrow. So he will leave around noon and come home on Thursday -- great during your vacation huh! Well I hope you all enjoy our pics of the new shed and my pain ahhaha!! Just a few cuts today -- that metal for the building is sharp -- it says to wear gloves, but the screws and nuts for the darn thing are microscopic -- how are you supposed to wear gloves and do that??? Well gotta run Scott just picked up Mason from School!! Love ya Beth

Monday, October 17, 2005


Well we demolished the shed and garage on Saturday! Mom got some of the basketball players and the coaches to come over on Saturday to help tear it down. Scott and I tore the shed part down and one wall of the garage before the guys got here. Then when they got here one of the guys cut one of the support beams and the Coach stood up on the neighbors break wall and pushed the garage down.. He is huge -- we called him Ox! My Uncle Jimmy works for the city and got us a trailer so we got most of the wood in the trailer -- he is going to send it back this weekend and we will put the rest of the wood in it. Sunday we cleaned up all the glass and junk that was on the ground and cleaned up the back ditch area of all the vines and stuff. Then we went and bought the shed and some spray to spray the ground for termites, because we found some live termites in the shed. Today we started building the frame for the floor and putting it up on the pillars. After we were all done with that I was measuring for the plywood to see how much we needed to buy and discovered that the dimensions in the book were 4 1/2 inches off so we had to add on to the frame to cover the shortage -- Thanks alot ARROW building company!! Also, on Saturday when we were tearing down the building Scott stepped on a nail -- so I have been giving him antibiotics as a precaution and he is up to date on his Tetanus shot so we didn't have to worry about that. Then as we (us and the ball players) were pushing a section of the roof over to beat the nails out to take it out in sections sense we discovered 5 layers of shingles under the roof paper -- it broke as we were pushing it over and it started falling right towards me so I turned to get away and when I did my thigh area got scraped and stuck under the roof. Well the guys quickly lifted it up so I could get my leg out - luckily I saw it coming and moved sideways or it would have taken out my knee.. I have a pretty nast bruise about 5 inches long and 3 inches across -- So ugly that Mason thought I had dirt on me and told me I needed to take a bath!! hahaha He stayed at Scott's parents house for the weekend and baked cookies, went to the Fall Fest at BPCC and had a blast. They had a huge slide and jump thing there! He had a great time at Ann and Gary's house and we had a fun time at home working as well. We are pretty tired, but the works not done and we can't stop now!!! The area where the shed was we are going to build a deck - we were going to hire someone to do that, but since we built the base for the shed and put it on pillars that is all you do for a deck - just use deck boards on top instead of plywood-- we are learning alot doing this ourselves. We just have had to pick Scott's dad's brain a few times though!!! But for rookies in the construction business I think we are doing a great job. We have some many bruises and scratches on us that I told Scott it looks like we have been in a car wreck!! I will post pictures after everything is completed for you all to see our handy work hahaha!!! Well better run and go visit with Mason -- he went to school today and I didn't see him all weekend..

Well and Update on Carrie, Guy, and Olivia before I go.. They left this afternoon for Dallas and the movers came yesterday and will deliver their stuff on Thursday. They are going to finish buying the things they need this week and start working I think next week. Well that is all I know for now.

Love ya Beth

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Spiderman is on the loose in Shreveport

Ahhhhh!!! Pretty Cute! The costume is a little big but the toddler sized costumes went up his butt they were too little!! He likes it and that is all that matters. Not to much happening here. My car is in the shop getting some electronic stuff fixed - side doors and my window will not roll down. Dang Dodge!!! Carrie, Guy, Olivia, and Mom are all on there way home. I can't wait to see them it has been a week, don't know what I will do when they move. We have gotten so used to them being here -- but they aren't moving so far away now!!!! I bought some mums and pansies to plant today and it started raining so we didn't get to plant them. So we played inside instead, then after we got our baths and got dressed the sun came out -- go figure. So maybe tomorrow we can do it. We are going to demo the shed and garage next weekend. And put up a metal shed -- anyone have any idea on how those floor kits work??? We have to elevate it off the ground to keep the water from flooding it like it does the shed when it rains since the driveway and backyard slope downward. I thought we could build a cenderblock perrimeter and then put the floor kit down, then build the shed on top of that! If anyone has ever used one of these is that possible????? Help!!! In my head it works out fine. If not we are going to have to build a base ontop of the cenderblocks like a deck and then put the shed on top of that. Well gotta run and get Mason back dressed from having his costume on. Love ya Beth

P.S. hope you all had a great weekend

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Not a whole going on these past few days. Just work and playing!!! Today we were off and ran a few errands. Mason kept asking for a biolin (violin) - his version of a guitar. So when we were at Target we were looking for one. Well I found an electric guitar like toy. Well he saw it and wanted it, but the funny part about it is that the one in front was hot pink. The ones behind it were all hot pink. So it wanted it so my son has a hot pink guitar. Mom said people are going to think he is a fairy. So I told her that if anyone has ever had a child or a 2 year old for that matter will understand. So Mason is the new proud owner of a hot pink electric guitar with flowers on it!!!! He loves it and doesn't know anything about it being hot pink and girly!!!! Carrie, Guy, Olivia, and Mom went to New Orleans to get there stuff that is salvageable. Mom is coming home tomorrow with the trailer and stuff. Carrie, Guy, and Olivia are staying until Friday to help clean up the stores to get them ready to open. I hope all goes okay for them tomorrow and the rest of the week. Today I went and got the goodies for Mason's Halloween Party at the end of the month. Then we picked up a few goodies for him as well. I can't wait until Halloween to see Mason in his spider man costume and trick or treat. The past few years he didn't want to go trick or treat so hopefully this year he will enjoy it! Kellin and I are going to take Mason and Alden together this year.

Sunday I was over at Mom's house visiting with Carrie and Mom and Scott called with Mason crying hysterically in the background and then Mason got on the phone crying. Scott said that he was jumping on his bed and he turned around to tell him to stop and as he was telling him that he fell off and hurt his finger. So I talked to him and then we got off the phone. Then about 5 minutes later he called back and Mason was still screaming. He wanted me to come home and see about him. So I asked Mom if she would go with me -- I wasn't sure if he broke it or what. So then Carrie came as well so she could see about her "Baby" -- So we drove over to the house and it was cut on the tip and the skin pulled off, but not broken. Scott said it really isn't as bad as he is making it out to be, but he wanted you to see it. So Mom put Neosporin on it and it was all better. It has prevented him a little from sucking his thumb, because that is the finger that he hurt. We thought that it might break him from it, but today he sucked it for a few minutes to take his nap. So I guess it will not break him of it, maybe later on he will stop.

Well gotta run,

Love ya Beth

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