Monday, February 27, 2006

Weigh In.....

Today I weighed in and I have lost a total of 30 pounds so far! Whew hoo!!! I was off today and I cleaned house and played with Mason all day. We went to the store and I bought him a kite - hours of enjoyment! It was so funny watching him run around with the kite! He played on his swing set and ran around outside all afternoon - it was such a beautiful day! Scott loaded up one of the 18 wheelers of merchandise that they are taking away. Tomorrow he will load another one! Thursday begins the sale and I got my new freezer, microwave, and under the counter CD player for my kitchen. I got my microwave and freezer right now. The microwave is great -- it cooks in seconds where my old one was minutes. My new freezer is commercial size and it fits all my food quiet nicely. Scott is going to apply for a GM position with Dollar General on Thursday - they are accepting applications then. So maybe it will be good and if he doesn't like it after he got it he could look for something else in the mean time! It would be a paycheck if he did get it! At least we know that Dollar General will not close because everyone shops there! So anyway it is going to be okay! Tonight one of Scott's employees came over it help bring in the freezer and he said oh you have a nice house - Scott said yeah I hope we can keep it! hahaha Well gotta run Love ya Beth

Friday, February 24, 2006

Pray for us...........

Scott went to work today and his District and Regional Manager were supposed to be at his store today - which normally is not unusual! BUT today they told him that they are closing his store and the Shreveport store in 2 weeks - so he will be unemployed! I don't know what he or we are going to do! It is almost like we get 2 steps forward and take 4 back! If any of you know someone in this area that may need a hard worker let us know!

On another note Scott's dad had surgery yesterday on his arm and is doing fine - I had to give blood for him again! Last surgery I gave Red Blood Cells and this time I had to give Platelets - well that was a fiasco all in it's self! I sat at the blood center for 5 hours waiting for a machine to come available so I could donate!!!!!! It was a nightmare!

Work is going well and I am enjoying it! Mason had his Mardi Gras parade yesterday and his class was the crew of Angels -- I think they should have been the Crew of Devils - 17 kids and only about 4 of them are girls! So you can just imagine! I took pictures so I will post maybe later! They threw out beads and they didn't learn how to throw them properly they were flinging them across the gym like weapons! It was hilarious!

Well all in all until today it hasn't been a bad week! Love ya Beth

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Well Saturday Scott and I worked and Mason stayed with Momma! After we got off work we went to eat at Outback -- we had a good time. Then I went to Belk's to go shopping and got 6 pairs of pants Size 10 whew hoo!! 3 shirts and Mason 2 pairs of pants for $94.00!!! Great shopping! Then Today we took Mason to see Curious George it was really cute! More shopping after that! Then I met up with Momma and shopped with her! Shop Shop Shop huh! Yeah I know! Well that about sums up my weekend! I hope you would all write like you used to! Love ya Beth

Friday, February 17, 2006


Well today was a somewhat productive day at work! We worked out some new items and then we are having a sale 25% off Clearance Merchandise - so if any of you need anything you might go to your Pier 1 and get 25% off - even clearance furniture!

Okay Aunt Pam you have to tell me more about these roses that were fake and the bed flying out of the back of the truck!!!! That sounds really funny!

Oh Scott was so mad about the flower ordeal that he emailed them and asked for a full refund and they gave it to him! So they did make it right I guess!

Well you all have to start writing something!!!

Love ya

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

More Flowers....

Well this evening I was in the backroom and when I came out one of the girls had signed for a box and handed it to me! Well it was more flowers from Scott - except this time it was the correct flowers - Roses! Just one problem though they were dead because they were delivered so late in the evening. I called Scott and asked why I got more flowers today and he said I don't know! Come to find out those were the flowers I was supposed to get not the irises and lillies. So I called the place and they are sending me more flowers tomorrow - alive! So I am really special flowers 3 days in a row. Not a lot to report - just work and I am still enjoying it! Well gotta run I am tired - had to get up at 5:30 for work! Love ya Bunches and hope you all are having a great week!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Well this week has been pretty good since I was off Sunday and Monday! hahaha Just kidding! Today went well and this morning about 10:30 the FedEx man comes in and I sign for a package, but that is nothing new we get stuff all the time. It said something about flowers so I was opening it up to get them out to put out in the store - then I noticed it was addressed to me! Well Scott had Flowers sent to me by mail! I have never gotten flowers delivered in a box - it was pretty cool! They are pretty they are lillies and irises! Then when I got off work I went a picked up Mason -- he had no shoes and different pants on -- he peed himself! I made mini bunt cakes for the class last night 38 to be exact and iced them all! So Jim that is why I forgot to give you my weight! Then I made 19 treat bags for all the kids in the class and his teacher! All the kids, teachers, and directors had a hay day with the cakes! I guess I will have to make them again next week for the Mardi Gras party! Well guess I better go and check on my dinner - I am making Pork Loin!

Love ya Beth

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Well I think I am going to like this new job once I get the hang of everything! Yesterday was the day from Hell!! But other than that everything is going great! I am working at the Pharmacy tomorrow for a little bit. The store I am working at has a few associates that I am having problems with and the Manager went on vacation the day after I started - imagine that! So anyway other than that I am really enjoying it! I like wearing real clothes too! I get to get up every morning and pick out something cute to wear! Well I hope you are all having a great week and doing well.

Aunt Pam are you all coming this month??? I need to know so I can schedule to be off! Also, what are Kaci and Jeremy's plans for the furniture - I emailed her but she hasn't responded to me!

Maybe tomorrow I will write more! I bought this work out thing at Target tonight that is supposed to work your legs, butt, and abs so I am hoping to start that tomorrow when I get it put together - because I wasted my money on that stupid ball - I hate that thing! Don't waste your money - I busted my you know what trying to do those work outs that thye recommend. And I didn't feel anything when I was doing it! I want to feel the burn so I know that it is working! Well gotta run

Love ya Beth

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Started my New Job...

Well I started my new job yesterday and worked the closing shift. It was pretty fun and I did a lot of stuff. Then today the RVM (Carrie of my store) called and changed the way almost all the furniture is placed on the floor - so all day we moved furniture all over the store amongst getting a truck in today and working out that new stuff! It was quite interesting! I am really tired today so maybe tomorrow I will tell you all more about it! Love ya Beth

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