Friday, July 28, 2006



A six-year-old boy told his father he wanted to marry the little girl across the street. The father, being modern and well-schooled in handling children, hid his smile behind his hand. "That's a serious step," he said. "Have you thought it out completely?" "Yes," his young son answered. "We can spend one week in my room and the next in hers. It's right across the street, so I can run home if I get scared of the dark." "How about transportation?" the father asked. "I have my wagon, and we both have our tricycles," the little boy answered. The boy had an answer to every question the father raised. Finally, in exasperation, his dad asked, "What about babies? When you're married, you're liable to have babies, you know." "We've thought about that, too," the little boy replied. "We're not going to have babies. Every time she lays an egg, I'm going to step on it!"

Just a funny for your Monday!!!

Mom and I had a great time shopping yesterday - we got back home at 12:20 a.m. -- Sounds like when we went to Houston - huh Aunt Pam!!!

Love ya Beth

Monday, July 24, 2006


Well Scott was trying to set up online banking with Capital One since the switch we hadn't set it up - Friday night. Well he was looking at our account and someone had been making charges on it. So we cancelled both our cards and Saturday morning Scott went to the bank. Turns out it was my card - well the charges began on the 11 th. Well got to looking at the calendar and realized that on the night of the 9th I called Johnny's Pizza and order pizza for my girls that we working with me until 1 a.m. and gave the guy my card number -- dumb I know now!!! Well he kept my number and there were 21 charges to Nextel (purchasing cell phones) $2,000, 1 charge to Dominos pizza for $50.00, Someone's electricity bill $189.00, and Someone's Drugs in Hot Springs, AR $69.00 -- totalling nearly $2,400.00 Yep that's right!!! All in the course of 10 days!! Well the bank is going to give our money back within 10 days -- but I am having to charge everything I buy on my Discover Card because I don't have a bank card anymore!!! Sucks!!! I am waiting right now for the Police Department to call me back to do a police report over the phone!!! Pain in the butt!!! I am thankful Scott decide to look that up or by now we would be broke!!!

On a happier note!! We are doing great otherwise and Mason is just as spoiled as ever!!

I went to Big Lots today shopping around and found Clearly Canadian Water -- Haven't seen that in years!! Well I got some - it's still in glass bottles. Well I went to pick up Mason from school and a couple of the bottles came out of the sack and were rolling around in the floor - the were clanking together and Mason says, "Mom why you got Bear in here?? " Not beer, but Bear -- well I didn't know he knew what Beer was, but now I do!!! hahahaha

Talk to you all soon

Love ya Beth

Friday, July 21, 2006

Schedule and Surgery Procedure....

Aunt Pam I can take one Saturday off a month and Sunday's I work one a month. August I am taking a four day weekend when Carrie comes and September just whenever I decide -- I make the schedule!!!! I can take two days in a row during the week too! So just whenever you want to come you can.

As far as the surgery -- they are going to give me a shot in my armpit (ouch) that numbs my whole arm and then scope it out. I need to call Dr. Gayle (OB) and make sure again that this okay - he said it was, but I want to be 100% sure!!!

I am sure it can't be more than something like Lidocaine and you can get your mouth worked on while you are pregnant so I am sure you can get your armpit shot up!! hahaha

I went to Children's Place and they are having and additional 50% off sale price and spent $80 and got a whole handle paper bag full of clothes for the "Boys"!!!

I still can't think of a name I like or stuff that flows well. I like Elliott _____ Remillard -- any suggestions??????????????????

Aunt Pam did you pull up your blog, edit the post you just did, publish it again and then refresh your screen? -- it did the same thing to me last time.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Shopping and Doctor...

Well today I went to see the doctor about my cyst and I have surgery on August 2nd to have it removed. She said that she hasn't ever seen one where mine is and that it is in between two tendons and that is why it hurts. When she gets it out she will use a scope to look at the tendons to make sure that they are okay because of where it is. She also said that she is using a scope designed for your jaw because a normal wrist one is to big for my wrist - she said I have tiny wrist -- take after my momma.

After the doctor I went to pick up a friend and we shopped ALL day started at 10:30 and stopped 10 minutes to 6 p.m. --- Had fun though.

Aunt Pam your post is not there!!! Also, I went to get shoes today and all they had was white sandals in all different styles --nothing that struck me as exciting. Then I drove over to Bossier to go to Gingham and Lace (the place I normally get all the shoes for Gabrielle) and the building was cleaned out and they were gone. To bad I missed the going out of Business sale -- didn't even know about it!!!

I am having fun buying matching boy clothes! Well hope you all have a great end of the week. Love ya

Monday, July 17, 2006

IT'S HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well not much going on here because it is to dang hot to do anything!!! 105 today!! Yesterday we went to a friends to go swimming and it was nice, but it was like swimming in bath water. I am sure Aunt Pam and Angie your pools are the same way right now as well. Mason is getting so tall!!!

Have any of you been to Lake Travis?? My friend just went there and went cliff diving and sent me some pics - I am assuming it is near Austin because that is where they went and it looked really awesome. Blue water!!!

Well not much to talk about but that it is to hot to do anything!!

Love ya Beth

p.s. Please be careful if you have to go outside for a long period of time in the heat - a lady that mom worked with - her sister had a heat stroke and was on life support and then she died.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Okay I refreshed my template and it made it go back where it was supposed to be, but now my links are gone!!! HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

Scroll Down...

For some reason when I blogged last night and published it - it went to the bottom of the screen. So just scroll down!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Not Much...

Well not much to report today! I tried to scan those pictures in and they aren't bright enough for anything to be visible. So that was a bust! The sonogram technician said that he was 8 ounces and said that was big?! I don't remember what Mason was so I couldn't tell you if that was small or not. I am going on the 20th to a Orthopedic Doctor to see if she will even touch me while I am pregnant to have a cyst removed from my wrist. My OB Doctor is sending me to her because the cyst hurts - if it didn't hurt he would tell me to wait, but since it hurts he wants me to see if she will remove it now instead of waiting 4 months.

Angie I hope you are feeling better now and that you are getting things back to normal around your house. Maybe you can go the the waterpark next weekend.

Aunt Pam -- I think you have fell off into blogger no mans land!!!!

Dustin (Wanda's kid) is getting married next month in Gulf Shores and wants us to come-- um!!! He and his girlfriend just had there second baby and the only reason they are getting married now is because he is working off shores now and so if anything happens she will get paid -- and now that he makes more money now they took away there welfare and food stamps! Why would I go to that wedding????? You know my dad hasn't seen Mason since Carrie and Guy left for Florida and before that hadn't seen him since Christmas -- he brought Mason's birthday present with Him to Olivia's birthday party 4 months late. I don't understand how he can go without seeing us -- I guess since they have two kids there he sees them and that is sufficient for him. ANY WAY!!!!

Aunt Pam when are you coming to see me?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Spring has come and gone and now it is Summer so what is the deal??? I am off this weekend - they are starting to put the Summer stuff on sale here!!! You coming???

Love Beth

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Well the Verdict is in...........

It's a boy!!!! I was just fixing to go get my pictures and download them when I remembered I left it at Mom's work. Dang!!! Well nothing has been going on here just work and playing with Mason! We bought a raffle ticket for St. Jude's research it's $100 and you can win a brand new house 4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths!!!! So maybe we will win!! hahaha

Love Beth

P.s. I think of more to say later!

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