Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Christmas pics and interview

Santa pics with the kids were cute - Momma bought them matching pajamas! The people in the mall thought that Olivia was a boy though! They said oh you and big brother match! Carrie was a little ticked, but we thought it was funny afterwards. As you can tell they love each other very much! Carrie said that Olivia will not play with the boys at school - she starts screaming when they crawl up to her, but not Mason she thinks he is the greatest! Mason says that Olivia is his favorite Baby! He loves to make her laugh and they just play and play together.

On a different note:

Carrie got me an interview with Pier 1 for an MIT (Manager in Training) Position - then after I complete that I become a store manager! Well I had my first interview today and it went great because it was with Carrie's friend that I know. She is going to talk to the her boss tomorrow to set up the interview with him! Please pray that I have the strength to not bomb it! It has been 8 1/2 years since I have applied for a new job and I was really nervous today, but overcame it! She gave me some notes to go over to interview with Robert. It will be a great opportunity for me and my family if I get this -- a $12,000 a year pay increase -- oh yeah I said $12,000! So please everyone pray for me! I was really apprehensive a year ago when Carrie said I should do and didn't -- scared of change! I think now that it will be the best thing for me and I really want it now! Both the Shreveport and Bossier stores are open for a Manager - the Bossier Store Manager got fired and the Shreveport Manager wants to move back home - New Orleans so therefore I have a shot at either store. My boss is upset because he doesn't want to lose me, but he understands that I have to move on to bigger and brighter adventures in my life and don't want to waist my degree any longer! I worked to Hard and tooooo long to get it and really want to say that I am using it and that I didn't waste all that money for nothing. Well I will close for now and hope you all had a great week so far and all of you better get to Blogging!!! I want to know what is happening in the Berryman households!!!!

Oh yeah I almost forgot we took Mason to Disney on Ice 100 years of Magic it was great - we went last year to a different one and it was good, but this one was just amazing. Mason had a great time and said, "Thank you for taking me to see Mickey will have to do it again sometime!" He is so funny - his little sayings lately are just hilarious!

Love you bunches and bunches,

Monday, November 28, 2005

Holiday Weekend...

Well as you all know Mason and I went to Carrie's house for the weekend. Friday we went and had the kids pictures with Santa at the Stonebriar Mall in Frisco - he was the best looking Santa! Then we went to Ikea for a few quick items that we needed --- in and out real fast! Then we went back to the house and just relaxed for a little while - later we went to Target for a few things and to the cleaners to pick up some dry cleaning -- no real shopping it was tooooo crazy! We also went to the Home Depot Landscape Store on Carrie's street and got her Christmas tree -- that was a cool store!! They had beautiful plants! They put the lights on it and I was sick with fever and a cold on the couch! Yuk! Sunday I felt much better so we went to Southlake and shopped in the strip mall -- that was a cool place. The wind Sunday late afternoon was unbelieveable -- it would blow you off your feet in you weren't careful. It was really hard to push the stroller when the wind was blowing so hard. When we got ready to leave Carrie and Mom went in Starbuck's and Granny and I took the kids to the car and went and picked up Mom and Carrie. Well it took them a while so we were driving around until they came out -- They have a Santa in this Gazebo and Mason wanted to go see him! Take in mind that he took pictures on Friday and wouldn't smile -- and he and Olivia were in there matching Christmas P.J.'s -- so anyway after we picked up Mom and Carrie I drove over to Santa and took him up there to see him! He sat in his lap and just smiled for all of these pictures -- in blue jeans and a t-shirt! I couldn't make myself buy the pictures because he was dressed for pictures! So anyway they have a website that I can go on to order them if I chose too! I am going to take him here to the mall in his Christmas clothes for another visit with Santa! Well better run -- gotta go to work now! Love ya Beth

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving.....

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! We are leaving tomorrow for Carrie's so I will not be blogging until we return on Sunday! I hope you all get inspired to write by then! Love you all and have a great Thanksgiving!

Love Beth

Monday, November 21, 2005

So Sweet and Innocent......

While he sleeps!!!! Just kidding - he is so sweet him and Puppy! The last two picks are some of my favorite from when he was little -- like that was so long ago -- last year! hahaha

Gosh it is just amazing how much they can change in the course of a year! Sometimes I wish he was still that little (when he talks back or acts up) and other times he is just so funny! The things they pick up out of no where! Saturday when we were at the Pediatricians office - this little turd of a kid was swinging his jacket around in a circle and hit me with it - well his mother didn't get on to him at all!!! New parenting style!!! Ignore it and it will go away! Yeah right! Well anyway Mason was kinda watching him and then when we went back to the room I put Mason's jacket on the table and he got it and started to swing it -- I quickly told him that was a no no and that little boy was bad. So ever since then he says no swing jacket that little boy bad he needs to go to time out in my room! Because he knows that if he was to do that again he would get his butt torn up and then sent to his room. For two weeks now he has been taking antibiotics for all the illnesses he has drummed up - well he was watching Barney last night and decided that he was going to take his medicine like Barney and a good boy because it will make him feel better! Finally, after two weeks we don't have to fight as hard to get him to take it! Dang Barney where were you two weeks ago?! I got him a new portable dvd player for the car because the bag one was just tooo bulky - so I am buying Polar Express tomorrow and I already got Madagascar for the trip to Carrie's -- he said he was going to take his new tv and he and Olivia were going to watch those movies and his new Rudolph movies too! I can't wait to see that happen!!! Yeah a 7 month old watch a movie! haha -- Can't tell him any different though.
I went to Cheryl's house (my monogram lady) today and to get a few things done and replace some stuff for Carrie and she had some My 1st Christmas Panties -- haha I had to buy them they are sooooo cute and the ruffle around the leg is trimmed in red with little red bows! I hope she is crawling by then so I can get a picture of her little Christmas butt crawling ahhaahha!!!
Well 3 more days until the big Gobbler comes! Hope all of you have purchased your food -- it was nuts today in the store and in the pharmacy - I got off at 6 and we still had an until we closed and we had already filled 334 prescriptions -- just a little crazy today! 2 pharmacists and 2 1/2 techs -- the 1/2 is not a very good tech so she mostly helps on the register! It was nuts today to say the least. Well better close for now -- get to bed and get ready for another day! Love you all!!!


Sunday, November 20, 2005

Not Much Happened over the week..

I didn't blog because their just wasn't much to tell! Tuesday I was off and ran errands with mom all day. Wednesday was Mason's Thanksgiving Program at school -- it was a really cute program, but the lighting was bad and the pics didn't turn out to good. Mason is standing next to the little girl with no costume on (pink pants and white shirt) - to the right of her is the Mas Man. The other picture is one that Mom took last weekend while I was at work playing in the leaves in her backyard.

Also, I want to try to enclose some pictures of the paintings that I did for Olivia - the one that just has her name I had done last year for Carrie for Christmas for Olivia's room when she was born -- well we all know what happened to that! So I made another one and the other Sweet Dreams picture is one that I saw at a shop and liked it so I made it too!

Well I hope Carrie likes them -- but she doesn't know about the Sweet Dreams one == so don't say anything to her Please!

Once again this weekend we were at the Doctor's office - Friday night Mason started crying really bad and saying his ear hurt - so I went and got the antibiotic drops and put them in there and gave him so Motrin. Well on Saturday when it was bathtime -- I went to put the plugs in his ears for his bath and his ear was draining and it was running down his face -- yuk I know sorry! So I took him in and he has a nasty ear infection in the right ear-- so once again we are taking medicine! This month is not going to well for me! She did say that both his tubes were still in and fine so I don't know why he got an ear infection with tubes! I thought that was the preventive of getting them, but anyway! That was his first ear infection in 2 years so I guess we are doing okay! I was organizing all my pictures on the computer the other night and came across his first tube surgery pics -- he was so little - 7 months! I didn't take pictures when he had his urinary surgery (lol) at 1 1/2 and the second tubes either last May! We have had some adventures with this boy! They say that hopefully but the time he is 7 he will out grow his allergies and not have so many problems! I sure hope that are right! I love him and wouldn't change a thing about him! At least he has had all these problems now and not when he is older and can't do certain things when he is more active! I hope you all have a great weekend (what's left) and a great week!! Love Beth

Monday, November 14, 2005

The Weekend and Thanks Jim (you feel special two people with your name in the title!)

Well not a lot happened this weekend! Friday morning before work I went over to mom's and helped her take everything out of the shop - she bought these new shelving units at IKEA and wanted to put them up and clean out the shop! Then on Friday night after work I went over and took everything out of the attic in the house so she could go through all the decorations for the other holidays in during the year except for Christmas (we will get to that later). So she went through everything on Saturday. I worked all day Saturday and she kept Mason for us! So when I got off work I put all the stuff back into the attic and we ordered pizza. On Sunday Mason and I started our Thanksgiving project - I just had to erase it because I am still making them for others that don't know about it! Mom has hers we completed it Sunday afternoon. Hopefully they will all get finished for Thanksgiving! Then I can reveal what they are and maybe a picture! I got the idea out of my Family Fun magazine - if any of you have children and like having projects ideas, recipes, and vacation ideas as a family you need to get this magazine! I love it! I hope that I get them all finished - Mason helped for about the first 20 minutes then got bored and abandoned me so the next 2 hours I was solo! So depending on how much time I have this week is whether or not anyone else gets one! So don't get your feelings hurt if you don't get one (Carrie and Ann)! hahahaha I am trying but we will just have to see if I get it done! Plus I have to remake Olivia's sign for her room that got lost in the flood before I leave Thanksgiving Day! So I will do the sign first and if I have time for the others then they will get done!

Thanks so much Jim for putting the links on my blog I tried to figure it out and could not find where you put them in!

Well gotta get ready for work
Love Beth

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Well today Mason felt better and stayed home with Scott. We were supposed to go to the fair on Sunday when he got sick, so we couldn't go. Well Scott took him this afternoon! He had fun on the slides, but didn't like the rides. He bought him a horn and a huge blow-up spiderman hammer! Mason is riding it like a horse and wrestling it right now! He feels better! But he still can't eat that much because of the sores.

Carrie had a better day yesterday! The only thing about the daycare situation is that she works all over the metro-plex at a different store everyday! On Monday's she is in her office and that is where she got stuck in Gridlock traffic and was crying and everything. The daycare is close to Guy if there isn't to much traffic, but if he doesn't have someone there as an assistant he can't leave. So that is Carrie's situation in a nut shell!

Well not much else going on here just tired from working so I will have more news hopefully tomorrow and you people better start blogging.

Also, Angie tell me how to put the links of other people's blogs on my blog homepage! Thanks

Love Beth

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Stomatitis, or viral stomatitis, is a common infection in kids - usually between ages one to two years or so. The child will typically run a fair amount of fever, drool quite a bit, and will be very uncomfortable. You may see some sores on the tongue as your first clue, or perhaps sores around the mouth. There are three main causes that I can think of:
the Herpes labialis virus (cold sore virus), and which tends to produce the sores towards the front of the mouth, lips and tongue
another herpes-related virus that tends to affect the rear of the mouth around the tonsils (called Herpangina but inexplicably not caused by the Herpes virus but by a related herpes-type bug called Coxsackie virus)
the stomatitis of hand-foot-mouth syndrome None of these infections are really very treatable beyond symptom relief at present. You theoretically could paint Baby OragelĀ® or prescription viscous lidocaine on the ulcers for pain relief... theoretically. Just try that with an upset two year old!

Now that you all had a medical lesson today - this is what Mason has - we went back to the doctor this afternoon when his gums swole up and started receding beyond his teeth! Yes pretty painful for me too! So the oral zovirax is supposed to do the trick - Mason has always been really good about taking his medicine, but man is a toot now with this stuff in his mouth and doesn't want to take the medicine to make it better. I found myself trying to reason with a 2 1/2 year old - duh that won't work. Honey if you take this it will make you mouth feel better - no I want my Daddy - it taste yucky. Finally I snapped out of it and told him he was going to get a spanking if he didn't take the medicine -- with force he took it! While we were waiting for the doctor this afternoon I asked him if he was hungry and he said yes that he wanted tacos - try explaining that you can't have a taco to a sick child with ulcers all in his mouth. I told him it would hurt his mouth so he then told me he wanted ice cream and diet coke! Crazy child .. So he got the ice cream and milk - he decided against the diet coke.

I just really can't wait to see the guitar I got for him -- they were teasing me at work saying that I couldn't have gotten a real guitar that cheap -- My boss said it is going to be so small that you will have to play it with a toothpick! The other joke was a ukulele hahaha.. I told momma that I requested music from Uncle David and she says don't you have to know how to read music before you can teach it. I said I think the kid kind is color coated or something! hahaha Or maybe will have to do lessons. Piano and Guitar lessons - my child will be saranading his girlfriend in kindergarten! hahaha

Well all for now - maybe more later tonight if something else interesting happens.
Love Beth

Monday, November 07, 2005

Sick Baby...

Well Mason is worse today, he has ulcers all in his mouth! They are like fever blisters inside his mouth from running so much fever. I called the doctor and at 6:57 they finally called him a prescription and my boss brought it home for me. Granny watched him for most of the day, then Scott's mom, Ann, came over to watch him for a little while then I came home early to be with him. I bought a new thermometer not long ago and it was a piece of junk. So I called Scott at work and asked him to go and buy a new thermometer and bring it home. My piece of junk was registering that Mason had 97.3 temp when he was burning up. So he bought the new that you roll across the forehead -- that is cool! Not to much more to report! I hope that Mason is better tomorrow and I can give good news.

Carrie was a having a fit today, because she left work at 5 and didn't make it to pick up Olivia until 10 minutes til 7. Guy had to leave work and go get her and wait for Carrie - the daycare closed at 6:30! So Jim and Angie if you have any suggestions for her please help. She is so upset and wishes she didn't move there. She dropped Olivia off at 6:30 and didn't pick her up until 10 til 7 - she was really upset about the traffic.

Well Mason has asked for a piano long enough that Mom is getting him one for Christmas. Poor little deprived kid never gets anything hahaha!

Gotta run - Mason is calling
Love Beth

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Weekend Stuff and Christmas Shopping....

Well Saturday Mason and I ran a few errands, ate lunch with Scott, and went out to a friends house for a play date. Mason got his flu shot on Friday and had been running fever so I didn't think much of it until he started complaining that his mouth hurt. So while we were at Christy's house I was changing him and he started complaining again so I looked into his mouth and the right tonsil was swollen really bad. So we came home - not before Julian (Mason's play date) threw a hard rubber ball at Mason's face while Mason was watching t.v. and busted his lip - now it has an ulcer on top of the cut (if that makes any sense). So Mason cried all night about his mouth hurting. So this morning we took him to the pediatricians office and he has tonsillitis and ulcer on his lip. So I bought some orajel -- he didn't like that at all - It was like I sat him on fire or something. But it made it feel better though. After I got his prescription I went Christmas shopping - I took the opportunity of Scott watching football and Mason laying lethargically on the bed to go shopping. Well I got most of Mason's stuff: Thomas the train Aquadoodle, Lite Brite, Bicycle, Thomas the train Viewfinder and Koala Brothers refill for the viewfinder, Hot Wheels race car thing - like the ones we had when we were little - pull the trigger and the cars race, barn thing with animals from Ikea, and my newest purchase was a brand new guitar on ebay!!! Now all he needs is Children's sheet music -- Uncle David do you have any? In case any of you didn't know Mason loves music -- he also is asking for a piano. The only problem is Mommy and Daddy will have to learn as well so we can teach him. hahaha Wouldn't you all like to be the fly on the wall for that one! Scott's parents came over tonight for my birthday and Ann made a red velvet cake Scott's favorite. We didn't get to do anything for his birthday with them so it was a joint cake celebration I got a pottery vase and he got a shirt (but he got it already on his birthday). Mason helped me blow out the candles -- I got all of them but one and he blew the last one out -- air and a little spit hahaha! Scott grilled pork chops and I made corn on the cob and mashed potatoes - it was nice supper - oh yeah Granny came over to eat too! Well that is about it for tonight! Hope you all had an eventful weekend too, just without the doctor visit!

Love Beth

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Round II of the pics....

As you can see they loaded this time!!! Mason and Olivia had a great time together! Mason tried to pick her up to move her away from a plastic sack while we were trying to set up Olivia's new dresser and he dropped her!! She was screaming and then he started crying and telling her I sorry Baby Mason didn't mean to make you cry! Well of course (if any of you truly know Momma) she started crying because the babies were crying. It was funny after she was okay. If you all notice Olivia's new highchair -- it came from Jim's favorite store! Ikea == can you believe a highchair for 18.99 plus 5.00 for the tray!!! I wish I would have gotten that instead of someone spending 120.00 on one! Olivia loves it too! Guy had to take her to the doctor today (Carrie is out of town) because she has been running fever for three days and runny nose. We thought she probably had an ear infection so I got Carrie to get him to take her!! Well ended up she has a cold and is cutting two top teeth and two bottom teeth - Hello Fever! Well he didn't know that so we didn't know either or we wouldn't have made him take her to the doctor, but oh well. Mason loves her so much. Carrie forgot my birthday yesterday until about 5:30 she called when she realized it = so today she sent me flowers and they are very pretty, but she already gave me a present when I was there -- she is so crazy. While we were at Carrie's we went into the Stride Rite store down from her house and got Mason some shoes that were on sale and they have a children's salon in it too!! He got a haircut too! hahaha At Foley's at the Town East Mall (I think it was called that) Mom was going to buy me some new shoes for my birthday, but I couldn't find any I like so when we were at Foley's I was looking and found some boots that I liked -- they were having a sale buy one pair of boots of certain brands get one pair free. Well the one's I like were the brand and I got the brown and black pair for the price of one! Also, Mom got me a black leather jacket -- I have been wanting one for about 5 years now. I get home and show it to Scott and he said uh I was going to buy you one for Christmas!!! Well I have asked for one for 5 years and now that someone else bought you were going to buy it! (if you read this honey -- haha you can buy me a Sunbeam Heritage Stand Mixer instead) hahaha Carrie bought me a purse at Sam Moon and a James Avery sister charm to go on my bracelet that they bought for my college graduation. Granny got me a sweater twin set and purse that mom and I picked out! So it was a nice birthday this year and what made it was Mason singing Happy Birthday today to me! He saw my flowers from Carrie in the car when I picked him up and he started singing: Happy Birthday Mommy, Happy Birthday Mommy, Happy Birthday Mommy, Happy Birthday Mommy -- Yeah But really it is Birtday! He is so funny. He told me he was going to buy me a prize for my birthday! I told him to tell his Daddy to get it -- I didn't get Scott anything for his birthday but a card and that is what I got too!! hahaha We don't need anything really! Its kind of like you see it in the store and you buy it! Mason has already started his Christmas list: Jack in the box, Motorcycle, Piano, and anything he sees -- Ho Ho is going to buy it for him! I better start saving huh! He told my dad tonight that he was his friend and that he was going to buy him a motorcycle for Ho Ho! He doesn't say Christmas it's Ho Ho! Well I will let you all go for tonight

Love Beth

Oh yeah I got a funny email today this is what it read:

A Love Story

I shall seek and find you..

I shall take you to bed and have my way with you..

I will make you ache, shake, and sweat until you moan and groan..

I will make you beg for mercy and beg for me to stop..

I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I'm finished with you..

And you will be weak for days..

All my love,

The Flu

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween Rain Out...

Well Halloween here sucked!!! It poured down rain all day! Mason and Alden (his friend across the street) were originally going to trick or treat together, so I sent Scott across the street last night to see what they wanted to do! I didn't feel good and still feel a little yucky, but that is beside the point. So they wanted to go to an indoor Halloween thing. So we all loaded up in the van in the rain - the first place loaded couldn't get into the parking lot, so off to the next place - it was packed to but we could get into the parking lot -- we went in and it was CRAZY -- unorganized chaos!!! We stayed for about 20 minutes and had to get outta there, so off to the next one -- couldn't get down the road let alone park. So then we decided to go to Chick-fila and eat -- the kids could play. They were in heaven the playland to themselves. We were talking about them while they were playing and we couldn't believe how well they get along with 4 years difference in age and one is a boy and the other a girl! Bizarre! But we say that they are the best brother and sister each other could ask for -- they go home and are not in your space all the time.

Yes today I turned 27!!! Oh boy what joy! I worked today! They bought me lunch, a cake, and a $40 gift certificate to Target -- it was really nice! Scott and Mason are gone to Outback to get dinner -- I just don't feel well -- I think I have the mini stomach bug -- Mom has it too! Carrie and Guy had it earlier in the week and I guess the germs were still in their house and we got! So I am gonna go and put my jammies on and eat take out!! Maybe have a hot bath after that --
what else can you ask for! Love ya Beth

Well I tried to post some pics of this weekend, but they didn't come up after I loaded them soo I will try again tomorrow!! Love Beth

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