Monday, January 30, 2006

Mason's 3rd Birthday....

Well I didn't get very many pictures of the actual party because I was so busy helping Mason and keeping up with what he got and from who. But Scott video taped the whole party. Mason had a really good time and enjoyed his party. He even told me thank you afterwards for his party. I wish that it hadn't been pouring down rain though - no Jump House!!! But Mason didn't know any different! Well I hope you all had a great weekend too!

The first picture of a cake is Mason's personal cake and the second one is the cake for everybody else. Mom thinks he has to have his own! His cake was vanilla which he asked for and the other was Italian Creme Cake. The picture with the little girl is his best friend Alden that I talk about. She is the little girl that lives across the street!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Not a lot to report....

Well I am finally done!!! I have been cleaning house for 2 days and I am exhausted! Not just your normal clean I was spring cleaning in the winter! hahahaha I rearranged furniture and got rid of stuff and everything. I feel so much better that it is all clean. As for Mason's room I will have to do it again on Saturday before his party!! Imagine that! I hope all of your weeks are going okay -- just 2 more days of work until I am off for a week and then start my new job!!! I am ready for a new beginning! I think I will get out of my emotional rut - I just feel so blah! I am trying so hard to improve my self image and doing really well at but mentally just burnt out - does anyone else know what I am talking about??? I bought one of those work out balls yesterday and I blew it up tonight and did the workout video that came with it -- that chick is nuts!! I kept falling off the damn thing. So the ones I fell off of I just skipped those and moved on to the next one! Break my neck trying to do that crap!!! It was nice to sit on to do my sit ups and my weight exercises it made it burn more and really feel like I am doing something.

I know everyone wants rain right now, but can you all wish away the rain that is headed here on Saturday - Mason's poor party is not going to be as fun without the jump thing!!!

Well I was trying to think of a topic for everyone to think about and talk about, but I am coming up empty -- anybody got any suggestions??

Well talk to you all later

Love ya Beth

Monday, January 23, 2006

It's Official....

Well I got the phone call today and it's official now! This Friday will be my last day of work at Brookshire's full-time (I will still work every now and then). Next Wednesday I have to go to the store to fill out my new hire paperwork and start working on the following Monday! So 2 weeks from today I will start at Pier 1!!!! I hope that it is as wonderful as I think it will be! I just felt stagnant at Brookshire's and I needed a change before I needed to start taking drugs to deal with my job!! hahaha I took off tomorrow to use up a personal day and I am taking vacation all next week to use that up!!! Just a little R&R next week! Hey Aunt Pam what are you all doing next week???

Well gotta run Love ya Beth


Well not a lot to report this week! Friday night went to a visitation with Momma for one of her friends mother, then we went to dinner. Saturday I took Mason to get his haircut and then took him over to Scott's parents house to stay the night over there. Then I picked up Momma and we went to the funeral and the dinner at the house afterwards. We left there about 5 so we then went and ran a few errands - shopping for me some work clothes. I went to a tent sale at this place that I saw advertised while I was waiting to get Mason's haircut and I didn't know if it was a clothing or shoe store. It is one of those places that you can't afford anything so you really shouldn't bother. But the ad said everything under the tent 9.99 well I thought if its clothes I could use some shirts - so I went on the way to Momma's house found two pairs of shoes for work. Then after the funeral we went back by there so Momma could look and I found another pair that wasn't there earlier. I had to buy shoes because you have to wear a whole shoe and all my shoes or mules or heals or something that I can't wear to work. Saturday was a friends birthday so I went with them to shoot pool and then Scott met us there after he got off work at 9! We then went to the comedy club - now I have been quiet a few times, but never was it this funny! I laughed until my stomach hurt and had to pee so bad. Last week the opener guy was funny and the other guy wasn't. This week they were both hilarious!!! So we had a good time and really enjoyed going out with our friends. Sunday I got up and went shopping with momma - got the ice cream and stuff for the party. Then we went to Sam's and I ordered his cupcakes for his school party. Then we went to TJ Maxx and I got some black pants finally!!!! They got a new shipment! And I also found some black shoes on clearance that I really liked so now I am all set for a while on clothes.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Big Boy Now....

Mason is doing all his business on the potty now -- if just went and did it and has done it the past few days!!! I can't believe it, he has finally became potty trained! Not bad a week and a half before he turns 3! I ordered all his party stuff the other day and can't wait until his party! We are going to put the jump house up and let them go to town! I was thinking of taking his motorcycle and bicycle out of his room for the party - do you all think that is a good idea so no one will be riding through my house crashing into my furniture! I hope it is warm that day because that will just make it so much better.

Yesterday Scott called me at work and said that his friend drove by our street and there was a huge fire. So, he parked on the next block and jumped the fence to make sure it wasn't our house, but it was the house across the street from ours. Burnt almost completely down! The back door was kicked in and they thought the neighbor kicked it in to help put out the fire before they got there - but he didn't because we all thought that if you did that it would give the fire more oxygen and make it worse. So come to find out the door was kicked in and they think someone torched the house. Some people just bought it and we fixing it up and a lady was supposed to move in on Monday as a renter! So I don't know - I never saw a for rent sign so I don't know if it was a friend or what, but anyway no one will be living in it now. Todd the guy across the street said that the rent is cheaper today -- he is a little strange!

Carrie called me last night and said that I got the MIT position and Heidi said she called me to tell me and she didn't -- but that she is supposed to call me on Monday to tell me how much money they are offering!

Well gotta run and put my make up on and go to work

Love ya Beth

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Off today....

I was off today and had a list of things to do! First, I had to pick up Mason's birthday party invitations from Sam's - which turned out really cute! Then I had to find his party ware - that was an adventure all in its on! I ended up having to order what I wanted online! Then I was in search of some black pants -- why doesn't anyone have just plain black pants in a size 12? Sam's had a really nice pair of Jones of New York pants 3 stacks of black pants all sizes 8 & 10! So, I then went to Old Navy because while I was at the party store I saw the sign in the window that said 75% off sale -- well I bought two sweaters for Mason for $3, a skirt for Olivia $3, Pants for Scott $7, and a wool coat for Scott $16 -- and no black pants for me! So I have given up for a few days! I like the pants I bought at Eddie Bauer but they didn't have black at all! I also bought myself a congratulations on your new job necklace that was on clearance from $75 to $16.00!!!! I had an exhausting day of looking for something that wasn't out there! Who new it could be so hard to find firetruck party ware and Black Pants. So I axed the firetruck and just went with the Curious George instead of the combination. Well hope you all have a great rest of the week!! And happy losing!

Love Beth

If anyone needs any clothes for this year or next year go to Old Navy and stock up!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Celebrating and Shopping.....

Well we both worked on Saturday and then on Saturday night we went out with some friends -- Played pool, then went to the comedy club, then went to the night club. We got home at 4 a.m. - I can't tell you how long it has been since we stayed out or up that late! We had a good time though so that is all that matters. Sunday I woke up at about 9 got ready and went to Mom's house to pick up Mason. He wanted to stay and play in the yard with Momma and I needed to go shopping for some work clothes. So I went to the Boardwalk and bought some clothes at Eddie Bauer and then had lunch with friends that were at the Boardwalk too (Same people we went out with)! I went back to Mom's picked up Mason and then went home -- Scott is still sleeping 3:30 -- so I woke him up and told him I had another errand to run. So I ran across the street to the mall to cash in my Gymboree bucks for Mason some stuff. Then I parked at Dillards and they were having a huge sale so I got 3 more work shirts there. Went back home and both the boys were asleep. So anyway we had a pretty good weekend - we went out, I shopped, Scott slept (which he loves to do) and watched a movie last night! Hope you all had a great weekend too!

Friday, January 13, 2006

I got it!!! I got it!!!

Carrie told me tonight that I got the job, but they haven't officially called me yet because they are working out the salary!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Didn't get a call......

Well I didn't hear anything today - so maybe tomorrow! But Carrie did tell me tonight that she heard from Heidi (1st interview - Carrie's friend) today and that Robert (2nd interview) said that he didn't find that I was soft spoken or had a speech impediment at all that he thought he was talking to Carrie and that he really liked me. And the speech impediment and soft spoken is what Heidi told him so that he wouldn't think I was 12 - but the speech impedimate was news to me! I have a hearing problem so my speech is a little distorted, but anyway it doesn't matter as long as he liked me!!!! So that was the best news I heard today - and maybe tomorrow I will hear You Got the Job!!!! As for posting the picture of my hair -- I can't take a picture of myself so I will when Scott is home to take it!

Happy Anniversary Aunt Pam and Uncle David (aka Paw Paw David)

When we went to see Daddy last weekend for his birthday - Mason was asking about Paw Paw David and said no we are going to see Paw Paw Boots - Paw Paw David is his brother. Paw Paw Boots is mommy's daddy ---- OOOhhhhhhh!

I kinda like this font, But I can't figure out how to change it back hahahaha!!!!

Jolie got a haircut today -- Mason looked at her and said Jolie got a bath. hahaha

My rule is the Dang dog can't have a hair cut until I get one!!! The boys get them all the time -- I have to wait until have roots 2 inches long! $80.00 for my hair and $36.00 for the dog -- hair is so expensive! But I dang sure wouldn't go and get it done at Saturday's or something! I don't mind the $80.00 - heck I haven't had it done since the Friday that everyone came up for Rita!!! See I told you I have to wait until my roots are 2 inches long!!!! Hahahaha!!!

Well gotta run
Love ya Beth

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Web Cam and Interview Part II

Well my day started out with going at 8 a.m. to get my hair colored, cut, fixed, and my brows waxed! Then after I left there Robert called for my interview. It went really well - I think and I should no something before the end of the week! So hopefully this weekend I will be celebrating!

As for the Web Cam - Guy bought us web cam's with microphones and we got the Yahoo! instant messenger with voice and we can talk and view each other!

More new later Mason wants me to go and play in his room!

Love ya Beth

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Webcam and Interview.......

Well Carrie and I had a blast last night talking to each other and messing with the web cam's - the only problem was that for some reason I could never see her! She could see us, but we couldn't see her! It was funny because Mason was having so much fun making faces at the camera - because he could see himself as well. He also showed Carrie his Thomas the Train underwear about 3 times -- He stood up in my lap and pulled down his pants and showed her his booty! It was sooo funny. Then we figured out how to talk to each other with the microphones so he could talk to her. Maybe we will get the kinks worked out and everything will be cool! We really had fun laughing at each other. The funniest thing was when I loaded the yahoo messenger it had an example of a name as your title when people are viewing your web cam well the example was Big Papa Pump -- well I didn't change it because I didn't want a different title and Carrie said what the hell is Big Papa Pump -- it showed up on the screen for my web cam - I thought if I didn't change it that it would just show my screen name - wrong answer! Then I tried to fix it and it wouldn't let me!

On to the next topic - My interview is set for tomorrow at 10 a.m. on the telephone == so I hope everything goes well and we will be celebrating this weekend!!

Well gotta run
Love ya Beth

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Trip to Monroe.....

Well we made it back from Monroe safe and sound. We had a good time visiting with my Dad! Mason played until he just couldn't play any more. We had Crab and Corn Bisque (which I have never had) and it was really good, Prime rib grilled - really good too!, Lobster boiled in crab boil - really good, and baked potatoes. I didn't eat a whole lot and got really full!!! I think my favorite of all of it was the prime rib grilled - I have never had prime rib grilled and it was really tender and tasty! Mason ate a baked potato like he is not supposed to do -- so now he is drippy again, but you know he liked it and he pays the consequences of it - so if that is what he wants to do so be it!

We put all the Christmas decor in the attic tonight and I started cleaning the house -- I got the living room done and I am worn out! I vacuumed everything from floors to the furniture! I will start the dining room tomorrow! When I clean I have to do it from top to bottom so it takes me for ever to finish unless I am in a rush and then I clean like normal!

I need to get Mason's birthday invitations out some time this week or weekend for his party on the 28th! He will be 3 - my how time flies and how much he has grown. I hope the weather is a pretty then as it has been the past few weeks on his birthday. I bought one of those jumping things last year and it was so cold outside they jumped for a while and then came in to warm up and then back outside to jump and back in. So maybe this year it will be pretty and we can do it all outside.

Today it was so pretty and the wind was blowing and it was nice just to sit outside and watch the kids play. That is the one thing I miss about our house now is that the windows don't open (like most older houses) and I can open them up to get the fresh air in. Maybe one of these days I will have enough money saved up to get new windows! That is our next huge investment! Today I was talking to Carrie and she had the windows open at her apartment and Olivia was standing up looking out the window and just playing -- then she fell hit her head and was totally pissed off - so we had to get off the phone.

I hooked up my web cam today and Guy hooked up Carrie's so maybe one day this week we can try it out and see how it works. I told my Dad about it and he was really inquiring about it and how much they cost - he might get one too! So he can talk to the kids and stuff!

Well I have gave you all an ear full so I guess I will close for now! Hope you all have a successful weight lose week!

Love ya Beth

Christmas Down.....

I like to look at all my Christmas Decorations, but putting them up and down is the pits. I finished getting them all down last night - now I just have to put the totes in the attic. I also found two totes of my clothes that I put up there when I got pregnant -- A lot of it shirt wise was out of date - it is amazing how in 3 years fashion has changed so much. And for the pants well they were all size 8! So I threw most of them back in to be sold in the garage sale and the ones that were real expensive that I bought at a boutique I kept thinking well maybe one day - I just hated to put $170 pants in the garage sale! OH course I didn't pay full price they were on sale (Scott is having a heart attack as he is reading this) hahaha! I did throw my Tommy jeans in there -- that was depressing - because lets face it I have gotten pretty skinny (as compared to 6 months ago) and I still have a long way to go to fit into a size 8! So if I ever get back into a size 8 -- I am going to throw a huge party and throw all my clothes away and go crazy and buy new ones! Except my pants I kept that are a size 8 -- they have to stay!!!

Today we are going to Monroe for my dad's birthday -- they are having steak and lobster! He turned 55 yesterday -- older than dirt! hahaha I had lobster once and it was dry so I have never tried it again. They boil there's in crab boil so I think it will be good.

Well hope all of your weigh-in's went well I lost a pound so I guess that is good! Carrie wants to do it as well so I emailed her Jim's address to email her weight!

Love all of you,

Thursday, January 05, 2006

No Go.....

Well I got the call this morning that my interview was cancelled -- and that he may do a phone interview! So I haven't heard from him yet so who knows. His son is in ICU and about to die so I can totally understand at this point. He has brain cancer and they had to put shunts in his brain and now he is in a comma. So that is what is going on with him and the interview thus far. I may wake up tomorrow and he call or he may call tonight -- if he does I will be totally surprised. So anyway that is my status -- thanks for the words of advice and the boost of confidence - maybe we can do it again next week!!! hahaha!!!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I have my second interview tomorrow with Pier 1 and I am really nervous!!!! Everyone please pray for me that I have the strength to not be nervous and not bomb it! I had a mock interview with Guy tonight and he said I did okay and just not to be nervous.

Also, I am fired up about this contest we have - The Biggest Loser! I was motivated as much anymore so now I am back on track! I was given a compliment the other night and when the Bread Guy for our store asked me what my New Year's resolution was - I told him to lose more weight and he said I didn't need to that I looked good right now! It made me feel good until I went home and took my clothes off and looked at myself in the mirror hahhaha!!!! I am fitting into a size 12 now and I really like that! Size 16 to a 12 so far!!!!! But I still want to lose about 25 more pounds and then I will feel great about myself!

Does anyone have an suggestions on how to get Mason to stop pooping in his underwear??? He will go pee like crazy, but will poop in his pants everytime! We stopped putting on pull-ups because he pees like he is supposed to and once a day he craps on himself! We have talked to him numerous times and he says it was an accident and want do it again -- I think he forgets that he want do it again each time! hahahaha

Well I will update you all tomorrow after I get home from work about my interview!!!

Love ya Beth

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year....

Hope you all had a great New Year's! Scott and I brought in the New Year at my Store Manager's house we had a good time and might go out with them this weekend and go bowling!
Mason went over to Ann and Gary's (in-laws) and had a good time. Sunday I went over to pick up Mason and she was cooking lunch and wanted us to stay for that - so it wasn't ready yet and Mason and I went and ran a errand to Lowe's. I bought some plywood and castors - and then back to Ann and Gary's - ate and visited. Then we went home and I built Mason a train table that rolls under his bed when he isn't playing with it! Mom went over to IKEA for me and picked up some bookshelves for Mason's room. She brought them home last night and I put those together with a little help of Scott -- watching football! Not much else is going on around here so I will close for now!

Love ya Beth

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