Sunday, July 31, 2005


Well not much going on here! Yesterday (Saturday) Mason and Alden played on the new slip 'n slide and then in the pool. The old slip 'n slide tore after the first time and then the new tore too! So word of advice don't waste your money == they aren't worth it. Friday night Mason and I met Alden and Kellin at Barnes and Noble for Family night. They read Gilbert the Great to them and then they did a craft. The craft was making sea creature pins with the foam things. They had a good time. Then we went over to the cafe for cookies and coffee. Kellin and Steve had some more errands to run so I took both kids home and they played and watched the Doodle Bops together -- they have so much fun together.

Today Mason played with watercolors paints then we went to Sam's and picked up some pictures. Then we went to the grocery store to get some vegetables. We made a Banana Pudding, grilled vegetables, and pork chops for dinner. Well it is still cooking so I hope it turns out good. The Banana pudding looks really good -- I made it with Reduced Fat Nilla wafers and Fat Free Sugar Free pudding so it will be on my "change of Life Style" hahaha Aka Weight Watchers. I don't miss the 12 lbs and will not miss the rest once its gone.

Well we didn't go to Daddy's this weekend because the boat was broken so no ski pictures or news on that. Maybe it will be fixed next weekend. Just 3 more weekends until or mini vacation trip to the Dallas area -- Ikea, Jim and Angie's, and whatever else we decide to do. Can't wait to see Jim, Angie, Matthew, Natalie, and Brayden though!!! It will be lots of fun -- and they will meet Scott for the first time!! HE works entirely too much! haha Oh well somebody has to do it why not him -- only kidding. I better go and check on my food Lots of Love

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Can't have anything new!!!!

Why is that when you have bad day at work and you just want to go and pick up your baby and go home something always goes wrong. I am sitting at the red light and this toothless wonder rear-ended me and messed up my dang van!!! Then I call momma's house to get her to pick up Mason since she was home sick and Scott was in Minden on a delivery. Granny answers and I told her that she had to go get momma to get Mason because someone rear ended me. Then a little later I called back to see if Momma left and she said no I didn't wake her up because she was asleep... I lost it for a minute!! I told her I had a $^&*( wreck and I need her to go pick up Mason from daycare because I will not make it in time!!!! Oh she says!! I felt like screaming go get you hearing aid out of the draw where it is collecting dust since you don't wear it and listen to what people are saying. She called before I left work to ask me to pick her up some milk to go along with her aspirin and mouthwash -- so after she got mom up and picking up Mason she asks me so do you have our stuff with you in your car and can you drive it still. Not concerned about me at all just her milk and mouthwash -- the aspirin was for momma. Older people kill me!!!! Anyway that is my vent for the day.

I talked to Mason's pediatrician today about sending him to a Allergy Specialists to have allergy shots. I don't know if I can go through having needles stuck all in my babies back, but I am going to have to so that he isn't a prisoner in the house. He can't go out to play for very long because his nose starts running and coughing. Poor baby!! So anyway we will be doing that soon -- in the next few months.

Hope you all had or have a better day than I did and Love you all Bunches.


Sunday, July 24, 2005

Skiing @ 2 1/2!!!!!

Yes we went to Daddy's again this weekend and he jumped in the tube and tubed three times. Then he was jumping in that water off the boat like it was nothing. Then Kaylin skied so then he wanted to do it too!! He did a great job skiing, but Mrs. Wanda was cheering for him and he turned around to look at her and fell. He didn't get scared he wanted to do it again but it was starting to get dark so we told him he could do it again next time. He skied about 100 yards which was really good for his first time. Kaylin learned how to ski from side to side inside the wake - she will be 4 next month!! Those two have no fear what so ever now! I wake boarded again and finally figured out how to get outside the wake and did really well. Dustin (half-brother) did it after me and he is really good and he was doing back flips and all kinds of stuff - he is really fun to watch. Oh and I had my video camera and digital camera with me last weekend and Mason wouldn't do anything. So today I didn't bring it because what was the need right!! Wrong he became a dare devil in just one week and was not afraid of anything. So next weekend! Well it is late and I need to get to bed we just got home and cleaned up.

Love to all

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Tell him to be good....

I told Mason that if he was a good boy at school today and didn't get in time out that we could get him a Caillou book. Because he has been fighting at school (so his teacher says) and I don't know why. Well I bought him a Arthur book and he loved it and wanted a Caillou book. So when I picked him up at school I asked were you a good boy today? Mason a good boy day Mommy! His teacher said he was so good today -- I said we had a deal -- she said whatever it was it worked. I told her that we were getting a new book because he was good. So off to the store we went after school -- guess what I promised something to my child that no one is Shreveport has!!!! So after two bookstores we settled on a Curious George book about him going to the ice cream parlor ---- Mason's version "Monkey eat Ice Keem". So word of advice Don't promise your child something unless you know it is made.

Love Beth

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Out to eat....

We went out to dinner tonight after I got off work and Scott was done mowing the grass.... Well Jim it is like your old school restaurant that brings the water out when you get there. But that is about all she brought the whole night. I had to ask her 3 times to order our food!!! The people at the tables around us were the same way. I wanted a Diet Coke to drink and she would never come to get our drink orders -- she brought the dang water though. So Scott got up and went over and made me a Diet Coke and brought it back. Then Mason got his food, 15 minutes later I got mine, then 10 minutes after that Scott got his...... She kept walking around all the tables with the food asking did you have such and such!!! Crazy woman did not need to be waiting tables. Then when we were ready to go she finally came over to give us the check when we stood up -- she had me looking up in the menu how much the food was we ordered so she could total it up!!!! My job or her's hmmmmm???? She did not get a tip!!
After that we came home and I weedeated the yard -- didn't feel like edging so I will do that Saturday when we mow again.

Well nothing else interesting happened today just work and Mason getting time outs for fighting at school....... My sweet little devil...

Love Beth

Monday, July 18, 2005

On the river...

Sunday Mason and I drove over to Monroe to Daddy's. We went and played on the Ouachita River. Mason played in the sand and water -- he had a ball. We tried to get him to tube, but he said yes then when it was time he said no I play in water. Then the other kids his size were skiing and we tried to get him to do that too -- no I play in water. I however wake boarded for the first time. It was neat. I haven't been skiing in probably 12 years and got up on the wake board on the 3 rd try!!! I am feeling it today though -- my legs are sore! We had a great time and Mason is ready to go again. He would venture out with the other kids (Kaylin 3 and Reece 3) in water he couldn't touch in and he would paddle around then when he would start to bobble he would call for me and I would go get him and bring him back up to the shallow water. Kaylin and Reece skiing was so funny -- these little 3 year olds skiing behind the boat was too cute!
Mason had aquasock things on, but I don't have any and I cut the bottom of my toe open and is doesn't feel to great. I will have some for the next time though!

Today (Monday) Mason stayed home with Scott and he was a little sleepy this morning -- worn slap out from yesterday. They played and went grocery shopping. Thank you I don't have to go now -- I hate to go to the grocery store -- well I don't mind looking for and buying the groceries it's the unloading them out of the car and putting them away that I can't stand. But when I got home from work Mason had a t-shirt of Scott's over his head and was a scary monster!!! Then he was wearing it like a cape and running around crazy. He has such an imagination and keeps himself occupied.

Oh yeah and Saturday he went swimming with Alden across the street. They had a blast then too! Well more news later!

Love ya Beth

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Not to much happened yesterday so I didn't post -- I worked late so didn't get to see Mason do anything funny.... But tonight we had leftovers and Mason was all excited that we were having Chicken and Caterpillars!! My child and his imagination. When we got home today he was about to have a cow to go see Alden (the little girl across the street) and she wasn't home. So I told him that when they got home that we would go over. As soon as their car pulled into the driveway he took off running -- I had to get on to him so he wouldn't run across the street. We waited a little while and he kept asking Go see Alden Mommy!! So finally we went over and they played in the sprinkler and Mason had a good time, but Alden was tired from swimming lessons so she wasn't to playful today. They fight like brother and sister and she is 6 and he is 2! Kellen and I said we don't have to have anymore children because they already act like siblings. Just one more day of work and I am off for the weekend and I can't wait!!!! I need a new job -- something that is more in my degree field!!! I feel like the ring leader of little monkeys or something. If you do the same thing everyday all day why can't you remember how to do it again from one day to the next?? Insurances are almost the same everyday -- same rejections same solutions --- people are such morons!!!! Well that was my vent for the day too -- I am right there with you Jim.... Just not as intense -- but you have a better reason than I do.

Well that is about all for tonight!

Love to all

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Caterpillars and Harleys....

Last night for supper I baked a Stouffers meal that was Chicken Alfredo - the pasta was the spiral rotini pasta. Well Mason has had it before, but it was about 4 months ago. While we were eating I noticed he ate all the chicken and was poking at the pasta so I told me to eat and he looked up at me and said Caterpillars?! And I said no that is not a caterpillar its pasta -- Pasta Mommy? Yes Mason now eat. He then said eat Caterpillars? And then he started eating. Then we went over to the neighbors house and he told her he ate chicken and caterpillars for supper! What they won't say!

Today Daddy came to town and rode his Harley. We went to lunch and then down to the Boardwalk (new shopping area - outlet shops) and to the BassPro Shop which is next to the Boardwalk. When we got back home Mason took off his sandals and put on his Rubber Boots. Then he went outside and got on Daddy's Harley -- He was too cool with the rubber caterpillar boots and the Harley! We had a great time! Well I am going to post some pics now of the Harley, Daddy, and Mason. Also, there is a bath shot too!

Love Beth

Monday, July 11, 2005


Well today was very busy at work, but that is nothing unusual for a Monday. But since I worked on Saturday I am off tomorrow. Daddy is coming to town and Mason and I are going to visit with him for awhile. We are going to eat lunch and then after that whatever. Yesterday Scott and I cut the yard and then we ran around town shopping -- he loves it!! Yeah right. Mason had a blast at Mom's house Saturday playing with Carrie. He is now wanting to wear his rubber boots (that Carrie gave him for his Birthday) because Caillou wears them too! So he was wearing them Saturday and was filling them up with water and then putting his feet back in them --- strange child must take after his father! hahaha. Then yesterday he wore them while "he" was mowing -- then he ran down the driveway in them and fell down -- skinned up both knees and one was already skinned up so he did it again and his hand. So we had to doctor all his bow bows and back out he went and mowed some more. He takes the attachments to my weedeater - the weedeater head, edger, and blower - and rakes them over the grass and "mows". He is a mess! Well not much else to say today.

Love Beth

P.S. Jim and Angie I posted some pictures of Mason and Olivia while you were gone so you can scroll down and see them. Also Mason on his slip 'n slide.

Friday, July 08, 2005

I Can't Say TGIF....

Because I have to work tomorrow ---- yuk! Today was pretty busy and chaotic at work. I hope that tomorrow is busy to make the day pass fast, but not crazy! People really amaze me in what they try to pull. Why is it that every drug head in town is going out of town every weekend and they don't work? I work 40 hours a week and don't go out of town that much! And then come Monday morning they are calling again or you see them in the store on Saturday -- and they were going out of town! Yeah right! I think that they think we have Dumb Ass written on our foreheads. After work I picked up Mason from school and he got lots of timeouts today for taking toys away from kids, fighting, and other crap. But he quickly told his teacher Mason Sorry or I Sorry and bat those crystal blue eyes with sinfully long eyelashes at her. And she would let him out! Sucker!!!!! Then we went over to Momma's house to water her grass. She is on her way home with Carrie and Olivia. To get them away from the Hurricane. Mason played with Nannie (which we call Granny), they played with wooden blocks and Granny would stack them up and he would try to blow them down and spit everywhere. He doesn't know how to blow without spitting -- it was pretty funny. Now we are home and are just going to relax until Scott gets home from work at 9:00 p.m.! I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine or rain whichever it is doing in your area!

Love Beth

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Today was a normal work day -- still didn't feel good today. Since Monday I haven't felt good my allergies have been acting up. Tonight I feel a little better, hopefully I am getting better. Mason got a time out today for scratching a child--it thought it was great again that he got a time out again! Crazy boy! I worked until close today and Scott gets off at 9:00 so his parents picked up Mason. He ate dinner with them and played until I picked him up. When we got home we played for a few minutes outside with sidewalk chalk drawing Barney and BabyBop until the mosquitos ran us in. Now his watching Caillou (I think that is how the cartoon is spelled).

The tropical storm Cindy hit New Orleans area pretty hard last night and Carrie, Guy, Olivia, and Mom (she is there visiting) are without power. Luckily they still have the apartment right now to so they are going there to stay tonight. Hopefully they will get power back tomorrow, but a huge tree is laying on the line and across the road so it is probably unlikely to happen so soon.

Well better run for the night

Love Beth

Monday, July 04, 2005

4th of July...

We cooked out with the neighbors across the street and had a good time. Kellen and I made homemade mozzeralla sticks (experimented) they came out okay, but then they started sticking together and it became a ball -- so we just pulled off chunks and dipped it in the marinara sauce. They were really good regardless. And no they were not on my points for the day! Steve grilled the hamburgers (Kellen makes the patties and he cooks them) - they were great too! The kids played on the slip 'n slide, jump round (just for a few minutes -- it was too hot to jump), swam in the little pool, and painted on the sidewalk. They had a blast! This morning there was an overcast and wasn't very hot, but then before we cooked out the sun came out in full force and was really hot. I didn't take any pictures of today, so no pictures to post tonight.

Scott's dad came over and played with Mason for awhile and ate with us too! Sorry for forgetting that in my post.

Well hope you all had a safe and Happy 4th!

Love Beth

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Mason's First Slip 'n Slide Adventure

As you can tell he had a great time!

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Pictures of Olivia and Mason from Target

Visited with the neighbors....

Last night William, Scott's co-worker/friend, cooked supper for us. Scott helped him move yesterday afternoon and he cooked supper for us. Then after he left we walked over to the neighbors across the street (Steve, Kellan, and Alden). We had a great time visiting and Alden and Mason had a ball. First they were painting with Crayola Paints on the sidewalk, then they decided to play in the sprinkler after they had painted each other all over. Lucky for me because I had bath duty for the night when he had paint all over him - so Scott said. But then they played in the sprinkler and got all clean! Mason had on heavy cotton shorts from the Gap and the water weighted them down so bad that they kept falling to his ankles, we finally convienced him to take the pants off. After they were tired of that Alden went inside and got balloons and Steve blew them up for them. They were huge balloons they reminded me of green beans with bumps in them. He started tying them together and made hats for the kids - we told him he missed his calling as a clown. He was light headed after blowing up all those balloons it was funny. Then I went home and got Mason some dry clothes, so Alden and him could watch a movie. The kids both fell asleep! We came home when it started getting later and none of us had on watches -- when we got home it was 1:00 in the morning. I had no idea we stayed at the neighbors that long. We had a great time and are supposed to get together for the 4th and put Masons jump thing up and invite the new neighbors across the street. She is having a little boy and was due yesterday and still no baby. So my idea was to put her in the jump thing and let her bounce the baby out! hahaha Well better run and get our baths for the morning - I have to take Granny and get her car washed?! Don't ask -- thanks mom for leaving me her for a week! hahaha

Have a great weekend and Love you all,

Friday, July 01, 2005


Well today is Friday -- time for a three day weekend! Yeah! To think I just got off vacation and really looking forward to 5:00 today. Tonight will be fun, Scott's friend/employee is coming over and we are going to grill out. Scott is helping him move today to a new duplex. Mason had a good party yesterday and he got a balloon, you would have thought it was the most expensive toy ever he played with it until he went to bed last night. Mom came over after work last night and told Mason bye - she is going to Carrie's for the week. He was so funny he was hitting mom with the balloon and saying hit Mom Maw's booty. Then when she was leaving we were out at the car and he blew her a kiss so she blew one back and said I love you Darlin' and he said I chew (Which is Mason talk for I love you - it sounds like I chew) Darlin' and ran off laughing. We drew on the sidewalk last night with chalk and I had to draw all his favorite shows characters: Caillou, Barney, B.J., Baby Bop, then a dog and turtle. Then he goes and writes there names on them (draws lines for letters and says I did it Mommy). It is so funny! When you tell him to write his name, Mommy, Daddy, and Jolie he makes straight lines like a tally and tells you that each line is the persons name. Well gotta go get ready for work so I will run for now.

Love Beth

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