Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Total devastation....

Well Carrie, Guy, and Olivia no longer have a home it is flooded! The house was near the levee that failed and it flooded the whole neighborhood along with most of the New Orleans area. They did not have flood insurance due to it taking 3 months to go into affect and with the storm brewing in the gulf they couldn't get it when they got there renter's insurance. So they now have nothing! They can't go back into the city for about a month from what the news is stating. I don't know what kind of money could be taken up to help them, but maybe we all can think of something to help. I wish that this didn't happen to them or to anyone for that matter. Luckily they still have each other and all of us. I couldn't imagine how it would be to come home and your house be broken into, but you still have most of your stuff. But when a hurricane whips out everything and you have nothing is pretty devastating to say the least. So if you all will keep them in your prayers and thoughts each day it would help a lot. Sorry for the sad blog, but there isn't a topic in the world that would make this any easier.

Love to all of you,


P.S. I hope that all of your loved ones are okay and not going through this tragedy as well!

Monday, August 29, 2005

The Weekend/Workend!!

Well Saturday I went to work at my store to do the new inventory system at 9:30 a.m. and we left at 11:00 p.m. -- I was so tired and I thought that my fingertips were going to begin bleeding from typing in every drug in the pharmacy. While I was working Carrie and Olivia came in to avoid the Hurricane early - then Guy got in at 4 a.m. on Sunday. Yesterday I went shopping with Mom and Carrie for about an hour then had to go back to work for about 3 hours. Before I left to go to work Daddy and Wanda came to town to visit with Carrie and Olivia -- they met us at T.J. Maxx and went shopping with Mom and Carrie. Then when I got off from work I met them at On the Border for a late lunch. Nothing much else going on around here except a lot of prayers and watching t.v. -- watching the hurricane. Carrie is supposed to leave this afternoon to go to Dallas for her meeting until Wednesday - she is still debating not going, but I guess if when I get off work and she is not here she left and if not she decided not to go. So just pray for them that they still have a house and belongings after today! Carrie has been real upset so if you can help boost her that would be great too!

Love ya Beth

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Not a whole lot going on around here. Just a lot of work!!! I have been getting ready for the perpetual inventory roll-out this weekend (counting pills and inputting codes into the computer) -- I stand all day at work, but move around a lot -- but for the past 3 days I have been standing in the same spot and entering the same crap on each and every drug in the pharmacy and I am just exhausted.

Mason is feeling better and is still a little cranky, but not to bad. Yesterday morning I asked him if he wanted mommy to take him to school -- he said No Daddy take me and I cry. So of course Scott took him to school then he cried when he dropped him off!! Crazy kid. He told Scott today that he got time out for hitting his bestfriend. So then I asked him if he got time out today and he said No Mason not get time out Mason a good boy!! So which one do you believe???? When I got home from work he was running around the house barefoot and his feet were jet black and I said why are your feet so dirty the house is clean I just cleaned -- Scott laughed and said his teacher let him run around barefoot at school today after lunch -- he looked like the kid that runs around the grocery store with no shoes on. Scott had to wash his feet they were gross.

I get to go pick up my van tomorrow, they called and said it was ready. Granny dropped her car off Monday at a different body shop and it still isn't ready -- all she had was dent in the trunk - hahaha So I had to call and rub it in that my car was ready and her's wasn't!! I am so nice haha. She thought it was funny! Except for the fact that she is carless and I had a rental.

My dad had throat surgery again on Monday and is doing better. He just had it done 6 weeks ago and they did it again already. Something about his esophagus (sp?) closes up and food starts backing up and they have to go in with a scope and blow it out and then stretch his esophagus outward. Sounds pretty painful. But this time was more intense than the last times -- he has had it done multiple times - they are trying to stretch it out more where it will last longer in between. The Berryman genes are all screwed up haha Mason's pee pee hole had to be roto routered (sp?) because it wasn't big enough and he had to be recircumsized because it grew back, Daddy's throat has to be roto routered, and Mason's and My ear canals are too small - genetic deformity so the doctor said - and we have and had to have tubes multiple times. Crazy crap -- can I sign up for Medicaid -- yeah right!

Well I guess I will close for now
Love ya Beth

Monday, August 22, 2005

Viral Infection....

Nothing contagious just a viral infection that was allergy induced and he has ulcers in the back of his throat -- they look nasty she showed them to me!! Although we stayed home sick today it was a busy day. First we were at the doctor's office bright and early. Then the dealership called and said the parts were in for my van, so I called the insurance company and they set me up with a mid-size car first--wrong I am driving a minivan like mine now!!! Then I was trying to make a backer curtain for Mason's new curtains so they will not fade and make them not as sheer -- my bobbin holder for my sewing machine was cracked so I ran to the sewing machine shop and got a new one -- then home again. I made the curtains then ironed all the new ones - hung them all. Then I got started cleaning the house -- and I just got finished at 10:30!!! I am beat so not so much of a sick day for me! Mason was lazy up until this evening after he ate supper -- he got his second wind and started feeling better and went crazy! I was in the cleaning out mode today too. I went through Mason's toys and threw a whole trash bag full of junk toys and his two toys boxes are still bellowing over. Also, at Ikea I bought some new food storage containers so I threw all of my old stuff away and put the new stuff in the cabinet -- much neater now. Better watch out Scott I am gonna start on you clothes next hahaha -- If you haven't worn it in 6 months then it is gone. You don't have the excuse I do -- trying to fit back in it hahaha. He has tons and tons of shirts that he never has worn since we have moved into this house -- 4 1/2 years ago!!! Well it is late and I am getting delirious now!!! Night all Love Beth

P.S. Angie thanks for mailing the suits to me -- crazy me always forgetting something! Let me know how much the postage and stuff was and I will send you the money.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Home Again.....

Well we made it home from a great weekend with Jim and Angie!! Scott and Jim really hit it off and it was really scary for Angie and I how much they were alike. Mason had a blast with the kids. Matthew and Mason were like 2 peas in a pod. Saturday we went to IKEA and shopped in the chaos that it was and Jim said he might go back in 2008! I never dreamed that it would be so crowded 3 weeks after it opened. I spent way to much money even though it was so crowded! Then we went over to Sam Moon and all the boys stayed in the car and the girls had a some girl time!! We had so much fun watching Natalie try on all the stuff and she got some NEW hair too!! Little Diva! Mason had to give thousands of kisses to Brayden just like Olivia -- in the special spot too! It was funny once Mason went to give him a kiss and Brayden turned his mouth toward him wide open like babies do and Mason said no Baby and then turned his head to kiss the "spot". We went to eat at TGI Fridays and that was my first time to go there - we don't have one here. First Brayden the Octopus made Angie knock her water over and soaked Jim -- that was really funny then in the middle of cleaning that up Mason kept saying over and over Baby eat it Baby eat it -- then it finally registered to Angie -- I heard him talking but I thought he was talking to Natalie and then Angie looks over and Brayden was eating a crayon! It was soooo funny. All in All we had a great time and we will definitely have to go back again. Also to IKEA, but probably before 2008 with or without Jim! I just had a great idea Angie -- we can leave all the kids with Jim and Scott and we can go to Ikea and Sam Moon by ourselves!!! Oh and Natalie can come too if you want! hahahaha Well it is late and I have to take Mason to the doctor tomorrow if the doctor won't call anything in for him -- dang Allergy induced croop, fever, etc. crap!!! Well I will write more tomorrow about Mason and the doctor. Hope you all had a great weekend like we did! Spending time with family that you haven't seen in awhile is always fun. We looked at some old pics too! Well talk/type more tomorrow

Love Beth

P.S. Angie I just realized (you probably have already noticed) that I left the bathing suits there on the chair outside -- oops! If it is not to much trouble can you mail them back - if not we will just get them next time we see ya!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

3-Day Vacation...

Well today was the last day of work and school for us for 3 days!!! Yeah!! Tomorrow we have to mow the yard and drop off the dog at Scott's parents house - then we are Decatur, Texas bound!!! With a few stops along the way - shopping perhaps! Since we aren't going to Ikea until Saturday I figured that we could go to the outlet mall in Terrell along the way there instead of on the way home. Then we will venture towards Decatur to see Jim, Angie, Matthew, Natalie, and Brayden. We will return home sometime on Sunday and hopefully everything at the house will still be intact and nothing happen like last time we went out of town. We came home and the power in part of the house blew a fuse and the refrigerator and freezer were not running. We lost a lot of meats. Mom was checking on the house and getting the mail, but when the air conditioner was running she didn't think of anything else not working. So I was telling my boss about it at work and he said it shouldn't have blown with us not being home and nothing but the air running. Then I thought about it and told him about when the neighbors air conditioner cuts on that our power surges in part of the house. He said that shouldn't happen and you need to call SWEPCO so I did -- turns out the transformer wasn't large enough to run my house and the neighbors. So they fixed it and it hasn't surged since. Well better get ready for bed so we can get an early start on things.

Love Beth

P.S. Jim you are such a butt!!! haha love ya anyway and see you tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Scott and I worked today as usual and Mason went to school. Scott was supposed to get off at 9 tonight, but he called me at work a little before 7 and said he was off that his assistant stayed late. So I went and picked up Mason from his parents (they picked him up from school since we worked late) and we met him at Applebee's for supper.

We have been on a screw hunt because one of Mason's beds that we bought at Pier 1 at the clearance sale was missing the screws. Scott went to Lowe's and had two managers helping him find some screws -- they didn't work after he got home. So then I went to Lowe's and got some and they didn't work. So Saturday when Scott's parents dropped off Mason after church I was telling his Dad about it and he said he wanted to see the screw, so I showed it to him and he took it to work because he thought he had some at work. Well ended up he didn't, but he had some thing that told him what size so he went to Lowe's and got some screws and THEY WORKED!!! Yeah! So Scott and I finished putting up the second bed in Mason's room and got all the furniture in place. Now all I have to do is pack up some of his nursery stuff (pictures, knick knacks, etc.) and then put the books back in his hutch. Then get Momma to come over and hang his new Curious George pictures and his room will be complete. As we were hooking up the TV, VCR/DVD, and tape rewinder I was thinking gosh this kid is so spoiled! hahahaha I need to go through his toys as well and get rid of some that he no longer plays with. Plus he has all the fisher price towns up in the attic, because he got most of the whole town for his first birthday and it was too old for him -- I didn't know it was so everyone asked what to get him and that is what I said. After about 6 months of it just sitting there I put it all in the attic and he will think it is Christmas or his Birthday when I bring it back down.

Well one more day of work for us then we are off for 3 days!!! Yippee!!! We can't wait! Well I better go get ready for bed! I have rambled on long enough. Love ya Beth

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Well today was an extremely slow day at work! There were 6 of us standing around looking at each other so I left at 2. So I ran a few errands and then picked up Mason. So we played and I cooked dinner. But I found out today that Child Protection wasn't going to investigate the daycare abuse and that the two girls were officially terminated by the director today. I would hope that they would have been that would have only made sense! Not much else to talk about but that Mason is doing a really good job potting. Talk to you all soon Love Beth

Monday, August 15, 2005


Well today was just a normal work day here -- no school starting for us yet! Today I started counting the pills in the pharmacy so I want have so much to do next weekend for the new system. Scott got off early and grilled pork chops that I sat out for supper. I let them marinate in beer and seasoning all day and they were really good. Mason ate all his food and started stealing food off Scott's plate and he had just ate pancakes an hour earlier -- pig! Mom had a bad day today because the yard man is going to try to take her to the cleaners. Her insurance called him today and he said he was really hurting in his back and legs now and he has to go to the doctor again. Yet after mom hit him he mowed her yard!! HMMMM! Anyway! Then I called the guys insurance that hit me because they still hadn't called me about the estimate that was faxed to them or the doctor bill that I faxed and supposedly they didn't get either fax. So I refaxed them and finally got her to answer her darn phone -- Why do they tell you to leave a message on their voicemail if they never have plans to call you back! So anyway she is sending me checks for all of the stuff plus $200 for inconvience of having to go to the doctor -- she offered it and I said OK. I am going to put that towards my dang eye doctor bill that my insurance didn't cover $360.00 -- crappy insurance. So that was a blessing that I got almost all the money to pay off that bill! Between Mason and Me we are always in debt to some doctor or hospital (Mason's surgeries)! I am so excited that I only have 3 more days of work before a 3 day weekend!!! For those of you that haven't been keeping up with the blog we are going to Dallas Area to visit my cousins and go shopping (imagine that)! I went shopping with mom on Saturday to the Boardwalk and got some great deals at Carter's and The Children's Place -- Osh Kosh had a sale to but I really don't care for them to much -- to over priced. I got Mason some pajamas at Carter's for $5 bucks -- they were the 3 piece sets (t-shirt, shorts, and pants) pretty good deal. Then Children's Place had all the sale stuff marked to $3.99 so I got him some shirts, shorts, and a sweatshirt material jacket to wear to school so he doesn't have to wear his leather jacket and get it messed up. I have yet to figure out why the jacket was on sale, but I wasn't going to argue! Mom got Olivia some stuff -- after she took a whole mess of clothes back while at Carrie's because she had to many offits that she hadn't worn yet and had already grown out of. I have been doing some Christmas shopping online -- and have gotten some really great deals and kind of like the fact that I don't have to go to the store. Mom, Carrie, and I decided that we wouldn't buy for each other this year (including Granny and spouses) because we already have to much stuff and don't really need anything and we would just buy for the kids. Which is going to be nice because Christmas between the 3 house holds gets a little ridiculous. So now we don't have to get as much stuff and it is going to be nice. Scott and I are trying to decide on somewhere to go for a little vacation just the 2 of us if possible for our 5 year anniversary next month and we can't think of anywhere that isn't too expensive so if anyone has any suggestions let me know. Well it is getting late so I better go to bed now --
Love Beth

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Not a lot going on around here just working!!! I worked from 9 a.m. to 10:20 p.m. yesterday and got up and was back at work at 8 a.m. and off at 4:45 p.m. -- just a little tired and burnt out! I was learning a new ordering system and we had to count and enter every pill, cream, liquid, etc. In the whole pharmacy -- now we have to go to all the other pharmacies and do the same. She had me down to work this coming weekend and I said nope -- I am going out of town!!!! For all of those who do not know we are going to Dallas area for the weekend to my cousins house! I hope we have a great time together!! I really can't wait to get to spend time with you guys. It will be like old times when we were kids just with spouses and children of our own now. Too Bad Bobby had to move then we could have hung out with them too! I have never met Delaynee (spelling?) and Bobby has never seen Mason or met Scott!! So anyway we are going to have a great time no matter what!! So I am going to close for now -- gotta get some stuff down before Mason comes home from church with Scott's parents. He stayed the day with Scott's mom and Scott and his Dad hung a light in Mason's bathroom for me before Scott went to work. So I am glad he will be home soon so I can see him -- since I haven't really gotten to see him in 2 days! So bye for now!

Love Beth

P.S. I just found out that Mom came home today and the lawn man was in front of the neighbors house weedeating and so she always moves the cars to the street so that they won't be in the way and she moved her truck to the street and then she got into Granny's car and began backing down the driveway --- Those of who have been to mom's house know it is on a hill and when it peeks you can't see down the hill. Well Mr. Jesse was in the driveway and didn't see mom and she didn't see him and she hit him with the car. He is okay -- just a little scratched and banged up! Mom is so upset about it and worried he is going to try to sue her! And it put a huge dent in the back of Granny's car. It is kind of funny, but in the same sense it is not because he was a little hurt! So Mom goes inside to get some neosporin to put on his cut and clean it up and my dumb Granny comes running out of the house with a bottle of ALCOHOL -- Mom immediately stopped her -- she was going to set the poor man of fire!!! Not literally, but alcohol on an open cut hmmmm!!! She did that to Mason once! He had a small cut and so she takes him into the bathroom and says you wanna see the baby cry and puts alcohol on him -- I had to blow like there was no tomorrow so he wouldn't cry!! Anyway that is all about that for now!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Child Protection....

Not a lot going on here just waiting for Child Protection to call for my statement about the daycare workers abusing the children. I don't know if I told you all about that. Amongst being tied to the chair for timeout, they were being yanked around by their arms. I was getting on to Mason on Monday night and told him that he was going to go to timeout if he didn't straighten up and he said no Time out mommy no pull arm. I told him Mommy is not going to pull your arm who pulled your arm? He said pull arm right here. I then asked him did it happen today and he said yes. Then I asked him which teacher and he told me. So I then got on the computer and wrote a email to the director. Since he was not going to be there on Tuesday or Wednesday -- I told her what happened and said if she didn't take care of it I will call the state, child protection, and my lawyer. She called me back and said she was going to call Child Protection herself. She then called them and called me back and they are supposed to call me for a statement. If you can't work with children why are you there!!!!!!! What can a 2 year old possible due that you have to tie them to chairs or yank them around by their arms?!! And one of the girls that was tying them down has a child in the daycare!!! What would she do if she walked in and I had her child tied to a chair?? Or does she do this at home with hers? Anyway not much else going on just working. I went to the doctor Tuesday because my neck was hurting really bad from the wreck and he said I had muscle spasms -- he gave me some medicine and it is feeling better now. I also went for the estimate to get my car fixed as well. So hopefully I can get it fixed in the next few weeks. I would like to wash it but there is a gap in the back door and I would hate for it to leak all inside of my car. So I will just drive my NASTY car for now. Well better go to bed. Love ya


Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sunday Ski Trip...

Well we went to Daddy's house in Monroe again and went skiing. Mason skied really good today, he went for about 3 minutes. Scott was videotaping it and the counter said 3 minutes. Scott tubed and I wakeboarded. We had a really good time. Mason and Kaylin swam a bunch as well. I took pictures about 25 pictures in the 3 minutes that he skied so I have posted just a few of them. We watched the video tonight after we got home and Mason kept wanting to watch it over and over of himself -- he kept saying Mason a big boy he did a good job! Crazy child.
Love ya Beth

P.S. For some reason it loaded the last picture first. The first picture is at the end when he fell and was through skiing. He was really happy when he was done.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Friday and Saturday...

Friday night we went to story time. This time Scott came along to because he got off early. Well Mason has had discipline problems this week -- since he has been out of control at school with his friends and the teacher is a nut! And is going to get a ass chewing and fired hopefully on Monday since she is yanking kids around, telling them to shut up, and tying them to chairs. If I don't get her first. So he was acting up at the beginning of story time so we started to leave so he was telling Scott I sorry Daddy and kissing him on the cheek. So then we went back and sat and listened and then they played games. They played hot potato and stick the nose on the clown and they each won a prize. He had a good time. Then we went and ate at a new place called Fat Burger -- it was pretty good and they had a little hamburger called a Baby Fat and Mason ate it all -- it was kid sized it was too cute.

Today (Saturday) Mason played outside all day and I primed and painted a little table and chairs that I bought for his room a while back at Ikea. I started staining it when we first got it and I didn't like it so I put it back in the box and it has been there ever since. For about 8 months == procrastination. So today I primed and and painted it Red to go in his new room. I got the sheets back from my friend and she monogram Curious George on them -- they turned out cute. So when the quilts come in I am going to put up his new beds and entertainment center. His big boy room is going to really cute. Mom is getting him one of those big bean bag style pillows for Christmas for his room. I can't wait until the 19th and I get to shop all day at IKEA -- and then go and see my Jim, Angie, and family. Mason has gotten so big in the past few months that he really is fun to play with. I think he will have a lot of fun with Natalie and Matthew. And kissing on Brayden. He loves to kiss babies. Ever 5 minutes he wants to kiss Olivia when they are together. I am going to get some new track lighting for my two bathrooms at Ikea and then some stainless steel shelves for my kitchen -- and what ever else I see that I want. hahaha Well I have rambled long enough. Love to all of you and Good night.


Thursday, August 04, 2005

Potty time....

Well yesterday morning Mason used his potty and got a new Barney Book. Then he used it at school -- which he almost always does. As we were leaving daycare he ran into the parking lot and I hollered for him to stop and he didn't so I told him he was going to get a time out. So he turns to look at me and says YOU'RE KILLING ME MOMMY! So we had a talk and a little spanking action. Then I called his daddy and told him if I hear him saying that again I was going to put him and Mason in time out together! It was just an expression he said -- an expression your son used when he was getting in trouble!!!! Then he was good the rest of the night. He pee peed on the potty again -- got a coloring book (the book thing seems to be working) and then we went back to potty again and he said he didn't need to pee pee he needed to poo poo and he pooped on the potty --- Whew Hoow! So then we went out for ice cream! The small rewards are working so hopefully it will not be long before he is potty trained. Then I had Mason's best friends mother call me and tell me she was a little concerned about their new teacher. She then proceeded to tell me that Mason was in time out when she got there and was strapped to the chair. Then she said it was over 5 minutes that he was strapped to the chair -- state law is no longer than 1 minute per year of age so 2 minutes is max. So tomorrow when he goes back to school -- he isn't going today he is staying home with Scott (he stays home when Scott is off) I am going to tie the new teacher to a damn chair if she even thinks about tying Mason or any other child to a damn chair again.

Also on a sad note a girl at worked has been battling Small Cell Cancer for over a year and she lost the battle yesterday. Please keep her 4 year old daughter Shelby in your prayers and Brandi's family as well. Brandi was only 25 years old and she endured more pain than anyone could possibly imagine.

More news later I gotta run to work.

Love Beth

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Tuesday (couldn't think of a topic today)

Well yesterday was busy as hell at work -- we thought it was January 1st instead of August 1st -- we did 300 prescriptions by 4:30 and I was too tired to write last night -- because of course the worthless handicapped (pregnant -- but you would think she was missing an arm or something) called in to work so I was doing everything. I was talking to mom about it Monday night and I said you know I typed 95% of all the prescriptions in and then I get the drugs and put them all away -- counted a few in there too! So that means I fetched and put away drugs about 600 times!!! I felt as though I had walked a marathon Monday night.

Today not much happened it was really slow we only did 200 -- why can't they split the difference. But tomorrow is liable to be ugly the 3rd of the month is when Social Security checks come in and they get there medicine - plus the nursing home bus comes tomorrow too!!!
Scott was off today so he and Mason went to Sci-Port. It is a hands on science place for kids of all ages and they went to the IMAX theater show there too!! Mason fell asleep in that part though. Then they went to the grocery store and bought groceries. Thank the lord -- I hate putting groceries away with a passion. I will buy them all day, but I can't stand hauling them in and putting them away.

I talked to Carrie last night and she was crying and I didn't know why and she wouldn't tell me she said she couldn't talk right now and had to go -- so then I thought is something wrong with Olivia = but she finally called back and was upset because she had just put Olivia down for the night and she was flying out at 4 a.m. and wouldn't see her again until Friday -- her first out of town trip. Poor thing -- but if she would write in her blog you all would know that!!! I am going to have to start posting pictures of her or something since her mother isn't == I will do that next -- go to Carrie's blog to see new pictures of Olivia == for some reason I can get into Carrie's blog!!!

Love ya Beth

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